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What type of boxing gloves should i buy?


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sorry for double posting but i cant seem to find the thread i last went to.


I have just started sparring and am looking for some good gloves but am a little unsure of the oz rating on them.


Is this weight determined by the size of the glove ie someone with big hands uses 16oz or does oz refer to the amount of padding ?


Please reply because i want to get the right type, i am getting quite a few headaches from punches to the head and am looking for optimal padding in the gloves to use in addition to my head gear.

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Well first off it should be said that gloves protect your hands not your head. If you are having problems with getting hit in the head you should buy some good head gear. From what I've seen the oz thing seems to go by weight class though. Heavyweights wear heavier gloves cause they punch harder.

Long Live the Fighters!

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Thankyou for your reply tufrthanu,


I already have head gear but the partner i spar with can deliver a pretty decent punch and i thought any extra padding between my head and his fist would be welcome!


Anyway getting belted does keep you on your toes technique wise as you know the consequesnces of making a mistake.


I just want to get a bit more protection to try and stop getting a headache after a few punches, may have to slow things down a bit and work harder on my tecnique.


Anyway thanks again for replying it is very frusterating when no one can be bothered replying to your post.

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What are the gloves for, training or sparring or fighting? At my kickboxing class we train with 12-14 oz gloves and fight with 10 oz gloves. If you're after weight then you can get shadow boxing gloves that are like normal gloves but have weights stictched into the back of them. If they're for training resistance in punching then I'd say get hold of some resistance stretch bands as weights on your hands doesn't fully simulate punching resistance. Of course, that doesn't mean punching with heavy gloves isn't a good thing.


I think though that I would say you might be better off getting a normal pair of padded gloves that allows for free open hand movement and get hold of some decent head-gear with cage face guard instead. That way, you can still do all of your Wing Chun without fear of actual damage. i also can't stress the importance of getting a decent gum shield as well.

ohayo gozaimasu, o genki desu ka.

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siufeifei i am looking for some gloves with good padding to cushion the punches from my partner.


Currently we have been a bit short on cash and have just been using one pair of the ufc type gloves that are open handed like you said and also one item of protective head gear with a grill on it like you mentioned.


The attacker wears the gloves and the defender wears the headgear.


I removed the detachable grill because i couldnt see half of the punches coming.


I couldnt agree more with the gum shield idea, that is next on my agenda.


I just find that when i make a mistake with my defence and cop a punch I get a headache because he can deliver a reasonable amount of power in his strikes.


The gloves we will be using will be worn by the attacker the other person just wears the head gear.


We are practicing self defense drills ie the attacker will try to hit the other person with a certain punch or combo and the other will defend.

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I've seen the UFC gloves and I have to say that I'm a big fan. I don't think you need big padded gloves. I train a lot with a verifiable Wing Chun nut and he's not keen on too much padding. What we used to do is have one of us gear up completely and basically be a punch bag. That is head gear, the 12 oz gloves, body armour, forearm+shin+knee protection and generally anything we can find that is cheap. The kitted up guy would be a dummy and just throw punches and kicks in an almost random, although in my case it'd be in a kick-boxing, fashion and the other guy would just do whatever he likes to them. He doesn't wear anything except maybe a pair of gloves similar to the UFC gloves and gum shield.


What he says is good about this is that I can still clobber him around the head and he'd get the full effect and he can still throw everything he has at me without fear of hurting me. The added effect of me being able to take full on elbows and knees means that I am also more resiliant than an un-protected partner. In short he has to work extra hard against the fully padded sparring partner.


Aside from this we tend to just wear the headgear + gum-shield and gloves for our heavy sparring. Yes we do hit each other a lot and it does hurt but I think if you protect yourself from getting hit too much, you're missing out on a big part of what it's really like in a fight. When feel like some extra punishment, we ditch the headgear as well and just use gloves and gumshields.


We tried out some of the padded karate gear on our forearms as well which was quite good but they don't really offer much protection so they were ditched after a while.

ohayo gozaimasu, o genki desu ka.

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Yeah i agree you dont want to minimise too much pain but i dont mind the pain of the punch but i do mind getting lingering headaches.


The defender is geared up with headgear and the attacker has the ufc type gloves.


These gloves dont offer much padding and when i cop a punch it often gives me a headache almost immediately.


I thought the other guy could wear the boxing gloves and hopefully that way i could avoid the headaches.

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You get used to the headaches but like I said, we have the dummy wear the heavy boxing gloves. But then we can afford to get and test a variety of different gear. There are also these things called boxing coaching gloves. They look like normal bloxing gloves but they have a more padded palm section. The idea is that the coach can punch at you and set up the gloves as if they were spot pads. I really like these as they're quite soft and he doesn't have to hit hard and just do little pushes on your face to make a point of your weaknesses.


I'll try to find pics of the things I'm talking about and edit them into this post.

ohayo gozaimasu, o genki desu ka.

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