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Grappling vs. Striking

What do you think is the right balance of grappling to striking skills for the street?  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think is the right balance of grappling to striking skills for the street?

    • 100% Grappling
    • 75% grappling 25% striking
    • 50/50 grappling/striking
    • 25% grappling 75% striking
    • 100% Striking

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I think quoting statistics without quoting the source should be illegal ;)


Also, 'some guy on a forum said' is not a source.

"...or maybe you are carrying a large vicious dog in your pocket." -Scottnshelly

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I went 75/25 the other way, with the key variable being for the streets, not for the ring. Do you really want to go to the ground on the street with all the "quality spectators" that the street usually turns up?


I break fights into three phases, striking, clinching and the ground. I want to be good at all three phases so I try to devote equal time to all three, which makes it a 66/33 split in favor of grapping. And since there is actually striking in all three phases the split is closer to 60/40 with the edge going to grappling.


I should have voted 50/50, oh well. :oops:


Btw I only train for the street.

A minute of experience on the street is worth a year of training in the dojo.

If you can’t sprawl and brawl, you can’t street fight.

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If you have seen a police statistic like that ( tilted to grappling) its because the officer cuffed the suspect and put him/her on the ground to do so. The vast majority are all stand up confrontations in which the suspect may initiate a futile, often symbolic exchange but is quickly apprehended. Police are trained to go to weapons at the first sign of bodily harm. They don't grappel on the ground except in a worst case senario. An untrained fighter will go to the ground only in desperation or if he is out of gas or off balanced. We are a culture of strikers and head hunters. Better to devote time to defend against the sucker punch than to lean to pass the guard. Better still learn it all.

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Hey guys lets not forget cage fighting is not street fighting. In a street fight the thought of a final solution is there and all the neat little dirty tricks that are not allowed in the ring. Give me a finger and i will break it, your body I will Bite, and your privates i will show you before i gouge out your eyes, I prefer to stand and strike and in close quarters is better but i do agree you had better know the basics of the ground or your night may end aburptly.


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Hey guys lets not forget cage fighting is not street fighting. In a street fight the thought of a final solution is there and all the neat little dirty tricks that are not allowed in the ring. Give me a finger and i will break it, your body I will Bite, and your privates i will show you before i gouge out your eyes, I prefer to stand and strike and in close quarters is better but i do agree you had better know the basics of the ground or your night may end aburptly.


Are you suggesting that you can defeat cage fighters in a street fight? Everything goes in such a situation, granted, but remember that your opponents are able to do the same exact thing that you can. Therefore, it comes back to who has more training and experience.

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Hey guys lets not forget cage fighting is not street fighting. In a street fight the thought of a final solution is there and all the neat little dirty tricks that are not allowed in the ring. Give me a finger and i will break it, your body I will Bite, and your privates i will show you before i gouge out your eyes, I prefer to stand and strike and in close quarters is better but i do agree you had better know the basics of the ground or your night may end aburptly.


I hate to say it, but those "neat little dirty tricks" are over rated. ever been kicked in the nuts in a real fight? I have. I dind't feel it until after the fight - once the adrenaline stopped. I know others who have had the same thing happen. It works instantly on some and doesn't on others - not really reliable. You can gouge eyes, but you have to catch them first, same with the throat. They are small targets that are moving, making them ared to hit. The fact that his guard is up makes is even harder. On top of that, he's attacking back, making it even harder still. I've been bitten in a fight as well - it's a nuissance but didn't stop me from fighting. the only thing you've listed that's really plausible is thefinger breaking, IMO.


BUT, fingers are delicate. How are you training in your school in a REALISTIC way that makes you think you can grab and break a finger on the street? or are you referring only to a grappling situation? If you are, the he could break yours as well, if he desired...

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Per police statistics...that was what I'm getting at ...it's hard to refer to them for other world situations. Again...you have to cuff them sooner of later...thus alot of the time it may END up grounded, and thus be reported that way. It's almost impossible to handcuff a resistent subject standing up- also in a lot of places..theres snow and Ice for 4-5 months of the year...its also likely to go to the ground- desired or not.


Of course I agree that they almost exclusively begin standing....but theres a good/reliable chance its hitting the ground at some point. You'll either knock him down...pull him to the ground, or stumble over a fence, curb, bush, uneven ground ect. Even if it's the last stage of the confrontation..it's still ground fighting.


Thus In my opinion..you better know both- well, and you better train to get back up fast.

Maybe later...

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I swear people dont think at all before they post crap do they?


lets think about things here a second.


first of all think of the different ranges of attacks.


grappling is the last and final range, its when you have screwed up and allowed an opponent to get to you.


Grappling on the street is a last resort, its for the people who dont take striking seriously, or dont take an opponent seriously.


sure many if not most fights on the street end up on the ground, but only because of untrained, or undertrained people.


I have been in hundreds of street fights.


The only street fights I ever ended up on the ground from were ones that I knew I had my back covered and I could bring it to the ground, for fun, and only because I wanted to do it.


It is not very hard to keep a grappler at bay if you have the knowledge, the training, the speed, the power, and the mindset to do such.


Now obviously if you go to the ground grappling becomes very important.


But who would want to go to the ground?


think about that...


in todays society it isnt a 1 on 1 fight anymore, friends or bystanders will more likely then not jump in.


Do you really want to be grappling with someone on the ground while his buddies kick your ribs in?


of course not.


Now the good martial artist will prepare himself for all ranges of attacks.


He will also prepare himself to avoid attacks from the beginning if that is his wish.


I chose none of the above, because I find the question itself biased to begin with.


IT is assumed that the fight is going to hit the ground.


This is not a necessity. NEver has been and never will be.


Now the problem is how people are positioned to deal with confrontations.


There are situations that will lead to grappling being a higher probability then striking.


for example, being stuck in a confined space with little room to move.


being overweight and out of shape and unable to maintain an endurance to keep a striking pace.


being undersized against a massive opponent that has you blocked into a dead end.


I could go on and on.


The point is that the only way a person is going to go down and be forced to grapple is if they allow themselves to get into that position, either from short term decisions, or long term decisions.


the better trained martial artists will be able to deal with either scenario.

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Well hello it seems that seven is not in agreement with any of my thoughts but hey it is America. O.k. Seven from my experiance not many things go as planned when reality strikes but being prepared and being able to react in a timely manner will sometimes open doors, i see that you have trained in Chinese fast wrestling, thai, and bjj, and I realize that one is a striking art and the others generaly take place from a hands on situation and are great styles, but from biting i dont intend to end a fight but to get a reaction to open the door for something else, small joints dont end the fight but if given opportunity snap'em and maybe a opening will come available, look dude i am a striker at heart, and from the clinch I feel most comfortable and yes if i should wind up in a clinch and i can i will put a thumb in the ocular socket and if it happens he might not stop fighting but when he attemps to remove the thumb maybe he will expose a good elbow shot or kneeing opportunity that might end the fight. Its about the flow from one thing to the next if this dont work maybe that will and if im lucky i will be attacked by a pure dumb *, lets hope for my sake huh.


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Well hey Lucky, I would have a tendency to agree with your whole statement other than I like it inside but other than that I agree the last place I want to be is on the ground except in class. I have to say this and I hope I dont offend to many but I do not concider myself as a Martial Artist,( I DONT, YALL CAN) I consider myself a combatives instructor and practitionor. Yes I try to be a good guy but I do not hold myself to any beliefs other than those of a good ole southern boy who was lucky enough to be born and raised in a America, I bow only to God and salute my flag, other than that I hope i am able to pass on the ability to survive in bad situations. I will say I have not one thing against those you wish to follow the old ways and if not for those ways I would not know what I know today, but for me they where just a means to and end. Oh boy here I go resending that statement, I do have a problem with the traditional teachers who pass off Kata and one steps as street tactics, it may be just lil ole me but i think that is dangerous, my stuff may not be the whole bowl of biscuts but at least i try and give them a picture of reality, at least as best I can. There are too many publications, and news stories showing the evil out there and some people must be wearing blinders. Hey its just my opinion.


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