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I didn't read the entire thread. Someone may have already mentioned this method. I was attacked by a Dobberman a few years ago. Som kids had made him agitated and I just happened by. When he came at me to bite I instinctively hit him with a palm smack right on the top of the muzzel . It actually stunned him. A similar thing happened when a dog tried to attack a neighbors cat. A swift smack to the snout and he didn't want to play any more.

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honestly an unarmed human doesn't stand a chance against a large predatory cat (mountain lion/cougar, tiger, panther, leopard , jaguar, etc.) that has the intention to kill; or any large predator for that matter.

I come to you with only Karate - empty hands.

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I have a 126 pound Rott who is the best dog in the world. We play fight all the time and he is very well trained. I'll throw on an old sweatshirt and he loves to attack the sleevees, pulling me, tearing at me. With that said, If i say break he lets go until I say ok and if I say out he just goes and lays down or comes into me for some good belly rubbin. When were fighting though he comes at me pretty hard and we go at it. Granted I know that he's not trying to hurt me at all, if he even skims my arm when going for my sleeves he puts his head into my face and licks me. But its cool becuase he lets me take his legs out and flip him onto his back then i rush on top of him sprawl and fake choke him. then i roll off and we start again...... My point is every thing I do to him he lets me.. I've caught him pretty good in the nose a couple of times with jabs when he's rushing me and I'm running backwards and it doesn't phase him. It doesn't phase him and he's in a great mood. If he was really ticked and attacking... OH MY..... I could have said this in a lot shorter of a post but I agree with Shorinryu Sensei, it's not as cut and dry as a lot of you think.. My advice is if a big vicious dog attacks you make peace with your god, if you walk away your going to be tore up... Arm, leg, something..

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Your best bet against a big vicious dog: a bigger more vicious dog.


Your best bet against an enraged mountain cat: a magnum.


Realistically, MA training of any sort can only do so much to phase a physically superior specimen (large dog/mountain cat)...we're only the dominant race because of our minds. Best to have an equalizer handy if you think there is danger of a dog attack...but keep in mind what might work on one dog might not work on another...they have their strengths and weaknesses just like us. Pepper spray or ammonia might stun one dog temporarily...the next might only be enraged further. Blunt attacks might stun a rot, and send your neighbor's Dobberman into a frenzy (a frenzy with sharp teeth mind you).


As with people, I'd say avoid conflict if at all possible.


And if you're being attacked by a mountain cat...you made a BIG mistake at some point :o

To condemn the art of another is to condemn your own as well. We all have the same origin.

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honestly an unarmed human doesn't stand a chance against a large predatory cat (mountain lion/cougar, tiger, panther, leopard , jaguar, etc.) that has the intention to kill; or any large predator for that matter.


Unarmed maybe not but did you know Tadakatsu Honda (The ansestor of the car companies owner) Was famous for killing a tiger alone. (Although he did have a samurai sword and armour.


To the guy who started the post, Why do you have a problem with dogs? they must be the worst armed threat to humans, at least cats use claws and their mouth. When ever a dog comes near me (With no owner) and tries biting at me I just kick it in the face. May sound mean but it has happened before.

The cool summer breeze passes me by.

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Your best bet is to offer your forearm and force it down their throat. From there try kicking it in the ribs, genitals, and stomach. As for wrestling a dog into submission, it is possible. But you first have to get past the jaws and gain control of the head.



There are no limits.

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Hey for you dog lover, which I am one, Georgia House Bill 78 will make it illegal to own a Pit bull or any of its family members if it pass's into law. So if you think this is a stupid bill then go to georiagov.com of something like that and hollar real loud. Today it may be the bully breeds tommorrow who knows! Think of it this way, if they do it in GA why not your state :kaioken: :evil: :x :cry:


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simple consideration:


if attacked by a dog, you are probably going to get bit.


You are probably going to panic.


You are probably going to be in pain


IT is probably your Karma.




you are not a food source.


You HAVE to survive


You are smarter


and you have opposable thumbs

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