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I'm a little surprised that some people have an easy way out kind of attitude.


If there was an easy way to handle dogs, there would be no military or police attack dogs because they would be easy to subdue.


Where I live, one of the most common types of dogs is the pitbull and anyone that knows the pitbull knows that once they go into a frenzy, they don't feel any pain. I once had a pitbull that stuck his nose through a fence. The dog on the other side sunk his teeth right into his nose but my pitbull did not even whimper, he just wanted to attack.


I once had a puppy that was attacked by a 100+ lb Akita, I kicked it square across the side of the face, expecting it to drop......it didn't.....it did stop the attack....just stood there, kind of frozen......scared the %^&*^* out of me.

What works works

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I hear what you're saying about dogs. About 15 years ago a large stray mutt chased my declawed cat up a tree (she wasn't doing to good of a job hanging on though) and I hear the ruckus inside my house. I ran out the door and saw the situation and ran at the dog. I got a clean, full force kick will all of my 240lbs of weight behind it to the dogs ribs which sent if flying about 8'. It just took off down the alley. I don't believe I did anything to it other than make it leave my cat alone and maybe cause it some pain.


Pitbulls are a totally different catagory of dog. Like you said, once they get ahold you you, you almost have to cut their heads off to make them let go. I'd imagine that you pretty much have to kill them to end the onslaught...and good luck doing that empty handed.

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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There is this dinosaur rot wiler living at teh corner of my block that i have to pass by everyday. It's the scariest dog i've ever seen in my life, and i dont think many people would be able to handle it if it decided to jump over the 4 and half foot fence. i've seen 2 stray rots attack a dog that was being walked by its owner near a park. 2 grown men were beating the rots with bats, and they just wouldnt let go of the pet dog. finally some guy came in his car and was trying to run the dogs over. the rots wouldnt even attack the guys for some strange reason. in the end, i think all 3 dogs ended up dead. but to those that think they can outmenouver a dog...thats just rediculous, they are very smart fighters. i think certain dogs should be illegal in big cities, but a police officer back in my grade school gave us a live demonstration of how there dogs take down criminals, running will never work, but i think if you can relax while your being attacked by a trained dog like that, it wont hurt you because your not resisting or pulling away. thats what he showed us anyway...


style:wing chun

Don't try to predict the outcome of a fight. just let nature take its course.

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When I was a teenager we had great danes. Two of the females went at it and we tried to break them up. Nothing really worked, not even a water hose in their mouth, smacking their snouts, kicking them, pulling them by their tales, I mean nothing. We had to wait until they got tired and finally we could pull them apart and then stitch up their head and neck wounds that they inflicted upon each other. Mind you these were nice dogs that don't have aggresive breeding traits, but a piece of food between two can cause a problem. I couldn't imagine two pit bulls going at it.


The idea of offering your forearm and then pushing it into their mouth as far as you can is interesting as I have done this when playing with dogs. I'm not so sure it would work with a big dog trying to eat you. My thought would be that a smaller dog maybe, but a Kujo crazed dog would viciously shake you off and re-bite you. When dogs attack, latch on and shake their heads there is substantial flesh damage, better your arm than your neck.


Interesting topic.

I had to lose my mind to come to my senses.

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I don't know if this is just rumours or not but when a dog is annoyed and whats to hurt you ive heard that if you stare at them in their eyes it un nerves em. Ive seen someone shut a barking dog up like this. Does anyone know if it would work on the dog trying to rip your throat open?

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i've read something about how to avoid an attacking dog, if i find it i'll post it here. i think it said that your not suppose to feel fear, they will always know if your afraid, so maybe try to think of something else? also when you pass them by, dont look back. one time me and my friend passed by this really annoying yapping little dog, so my friend gathered up a giant wad of spit and just plastered the little thing's face, it instantly stopped barking and never really barked at us again... :P


style:wing chun

Don't try to predict the outcome of a fight. just let nature take its course.

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I would use sideways force on the jaw to break it...you can't really pry the mouth open because it's designed to clam shut, but not slam side-side. Eyeballs are vulnerable, ribs, testes, whatever...jsut mess the damned thing up...I carry a combat folder that I would gut the thing with if it came to me and locked on...yeah, I w2ould be in excruciating pain, but it's the classic case of 'you will bruise my heel, but I will crush your head'

When a man's fortunate time comes, he meets a good friend;

When a man has lost his luck, he meets a beautiful woman.


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Here's a nice ethical question. We tend to agree that in most instances, use of deadly force against another human being is uncalled for. Does this still stand against animals?
If you're up against an insane person hell bent on trying to kill you, self defense applies. If it is me or another person, then I will do all I can to defend myself and that includes deadly force.


Like people have said, if you can get the dog to stop attacking you without killing it by defending yourself, then that is okay. But if that dog will not stop trying to kill you then you must use deadly force because at that point it is either you dead or the dog. And really, although nobody likes to see dogs dead, a dead person would be worse.

"I think therefore I am" Rene Descartes

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I think the human element would prevail almost exclusively because we are basing the whole topic on being attacked by a dog, not attacking a dog. It would be very hard to prove the dog's intention.


Of course if you mess up someone's teacup poodle, you could be in some hot water. :lol:

I had to lose my mind to come to my senses.

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