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Goju Ryu Grading


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I was wondering if anyone could help me. I'll be going for my yellow belt grading sometime in the near future. At least I think I will be! :wink: Anywho, I really don't know what goes on in a grading session, so any words of advice would be greatly appreciated. I hate going into a situation like this without having a least a bit of an idea what is going to happen, so a bit of a breakdown of what will go on would be nice too.


Thanks in advance

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Most of the time in an underbelt grading session, you will execute all the kata required and self defense you've learned. A good thing to remember is that you most likely won't do anything on your test you haven't done in class.

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Welcome to the world of martial arts training. I wish you the very best, and Ill be more than happy to assist you in any way I can, especially with your Goju Ryu questions.....Part of taking tests is the "not knowing"......you can pretty much guess that youre not gonna be tested on something you DONT know.....so dont worry about that part.....youll be nervous....butterflies....probably wont sleep to well the night before....that kinda thing......thats all part of it....just take it all in.....do your best....remember.....its just another day....take it from someone whos been going through and giving tests for over 30 years......YOULL LIVE.....I PROMISE.....LOL.....


Like I said before though......the "new"....the "first time"......the "unknown"......it forges you....it makes you better to go into it NOT knowing.....itll show you what youre made of....how you handle "the unknown"......




As a teacher....and there are several of us here....I ask everyone who reads this thread and wishes to participate....leave you best wishes, your "pats on the back", and your words of encouragement.....




Although many want to "tell" what goes on at a test to be "helpful" to our new member "Intraining".....




Doing so will take away the "unknown" that should be part of the experience of training in the martial arts......


Just my humble request....only for "Intraining"'s benefit.....

~Master Jules......aka "The Sandman"

"I may be a trained killer......but Im really a nice guy"

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Jules! Good to see you around and as usual giving sage advice that many of us should hear, including myself. My practice begins again on January 10 and I have renewed my passion for it. Have been out of practice for a little while now but have been getting myself back into the exercise routine over the past several days. Hopefully I will get to the grading point soon.

The sand bringeth and the sand taketh away...

Disciple of Master Jules' Temple of Sand Dojo

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Master_Jules I disagree. A test should not be totally unknown. After all, once you have done your first one you know what's going to happen thereafter anyway. We have a grading syllabus we know exactly which parts of our training we will be tested on. The pressure comes from the test environment, from strangers watching our every move, from expecting to perform everything correctly, from all eyes being on you - not from thinking we are entering some secret hazing! IMO There should be no secrets from students - that way there can be no accusations of improprieties levelled at you, and no little clusters of people hanging around feeling smug and superior as they have gone through their little rite of passage.


Even if a student knows what sort of stuff they are expected to do it does not take away from the pressure and stress, aditionally they will still, to some degree, feel they are venturing into the unknown.


intraining, ask your instructor if he has a written grading syllabus. At my dojo a 10th kyu can ask for the grading syllabus which basically has what we need to know right up to 3rd dan.


You may find that your instructor runs through a mock grading in the week before your actual test. Pay attention and see which points he specifically brings up - Usually if he takes the time to mention something he will be looking to see if you have bothered to try and improve that aspect in the training.


Test usually tend to run along the same lines. Kihon, Kata and kumite. Your dojo may differ, and imporatnce on each aspect will vary depending on your dojo's stance on each. For example, at my dojo, the kata is very important.


HTH - best of luck




**edit - FWIW I am a Shotokanist - so your grading may vary ;) **

Tokonkai Karate-do Instructor


Kata, Bunkai, Articles, Reviews, History, Uncovering the Myths, Discussion Forum

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intraining, good luck for when you take your first test! Keep on practicing what you have been doing in class and I'm sure you will be fine. :)

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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Thank you everyone for your replies. I guess maybe I'm stressing too much about it. I don't even know when the grading will be, it may not even be until the end of the year, I have no idea. I have learned two of the three katas I need to know, and I know the movements of the third, but am far from being smooth at it. I've been practicing it over the break, but I'm still not feeling comfortable with it. I guess I'm just going to have to take a deep breath and just relax about it. I have a tendancy to stress over things that I can't control. I never thought that karate would end up meaning this much to me, but it really does! Hubby thinks it's hilarious that I'm so involved in it, too.


Again, thank you all for your words of advice.

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I never thought that karate would end up meaning this much to me, but it really does!


Hah hah, I see martial arts has sucked you in, just like the rest of us on here! :) There's no escapin' it!

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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