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Is Death Touch (Dim Mak) possible?

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I learned that when a Dim Mak practitioner touch a pressure point on a human body with his finger, it causes the victim to lose consciousness or die.


Does it exist? Have you seen Dim Mak (Death touch) performance? I've seen a few Death Touch performances in Batman, Nightwing and Daredevil comic books.


Bruce Lee was rumored to have been killed by a death touch technique from a Chinese master for teaching Chinese martial arts to non-Chinese.


Before Bruce Lee's time, Chinese don't teach their martial arts to non-Chinese due to their bitter memory of the Westerners' crushing of so-called Boxers' rebellion.



Dim mak (death touch) is an ancient martial art that consists of striking certain points on the body to cause illness or death. The points are usually called dim mak points, but they are also referred to as vital points and pressure points. The majority of these points correspond to the same locations as acupuncture points. Dim mak is an extremely dangerous martial art, which can cause a great deal of damage to the human body. The effects of attacking the dim mak points include knockout, death, and a delayed death. Many have seen videotapes and seminars where a subject looses consciousness after being struck on certain points. Although this is a very dramatic demonstration method, it could have dangerous consequences.


Many believe that dim mak was created centuries ago by the same man who is believed to have developed the original tai chi form. Some have postulated that this form contained the founder's methods of attacking the most dangerous dim mak points. According to legend, this knowledge spread rapidly and influenced the development of many Chinese martial arts. These martial arts then influenced the ancient Okinawan martial art called karate. It is believed by many that the traditional katas of the Okinawan martial arts also contain the secrets of striking the dim mak points. This is interesting because Okinawan karate has had a major impact on the martial arts of Korea and Japan. Thus, it is conceivable that the traditional katas of these other martial arts could also contain the secrets of dim mak.


In the past, this knowledge was only taught to the most advanced and trusted students. As the martial arts spread around the world, the knowledge of dim mak (pressure point fighting) remained in seclusion. Thus, the true nature of many martial arts remained shrouded in secrecy. Recently this tradition of secrecy has been broken and there are martial arts masters who teach the methods of attacking the points to the public. This information is now available at seminars, in books, and on videotapes. Although this has had a positive effect on the martial arts, it does raise the issue of safety.


In most instances, dim mak is explained and taught using ancient theories based on acupuncture. Although this has been the tradition for many years, it has led to a great deal of skepticism and confusion. Because of this, many have disregarded the warnings about dim mak and started to experiment with the points. This practice could have tragic consequences. If the dangerous effects of dim mak could be explained scientifically, the warnings about the points might have more credibility. There is a definite need for a reference on dim mak that is based on modern medical science.


Dr. Michael Kelly has spent years studying the medical effects of dim mak and has found a great deal of medical research that provides evidence of dim mak's lethal effects. He has compiled all of his research into a new book, which explains the effects of dim mak on the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Topics such as the delayed death touch, knockouts, and attacking the internal organs are explained in detail using modern medical science. The book has been written in a format that will assist one in finding the dim mak applications contained within the traditional forms of many styles.


The initial chapter starts off with a brief introduction to the history of dim mak, and then goes on to explain the essential elements of neuroscience needed to understand the remaining chapters. Dr. Kelly then takes his reader through a comprehensive explanation of the relationship between dim mak and medical science. Included are separate chapters on knockouts, attacking the internal organs, and dim mak's effects on the heart. The last couple of chapters explain the medical science behind the revival techniques and attempt to tie all the information together so that the reader can start to find the dim mak applications contained within their own style. This book is a must have for all serious students of the martial arts and anyone with an interest in the diabolical art of dim mak. The book is titled, Death Touch: The Science Behind the legend of Dim Mak and is now available



Grandmaster Dr Pier Tsui-Po is considered by many experts to be the leading authority on Dim Mak pressure points in the world. Now, he is offering you the opportunity to learn his unique system and fighting strategies that will enable you to defeat more skilful opponents who may be much younger, stronger and faster. These prized techniques are so powerful that they have been hidden for generations, passed on to only the most trusted of students. But now, you too can benefit from Dr Tsui-Po's knowledge and teachings.


In this unique program you will learn about the most effective pressure points, how to find them quickly, how they work and why. Under Dr Tsui-Po's tutelage you will learn the techniques and fighting strategies that work in real life. You will learn when and how to move against any opponent, and where you should be striking to get maximum effect. Dr Tsui-Po will also pass on the benefit of years of acupuncture practice and study by giving you detailed information on the consequences of hitting these points as well as their healing aspects that can benefit you in every day life.


For the first time ever, authentic dim mak techniques and pressure points are being released into the western world. Dr Tsui-Po has effectively compiled several easy to follow courses available in video, book and manual form and these are guaranteed to increase your effectiveness in combat or self defence. Each course studies a specific area of dim mak in great detail, which means that you get a tremendous amount of knowledge and practical skill. This in turn means you will see greater benefits and results.

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I think it's bogus. Don't you think that if there were particular points on one's body that could cause you to die that there would be documented scientific evidence? After all that's a pretty serious health issue.


Not to mention, it would be very easy to sell. Here's how the pitch could go:


Dim mak, the ancient, secret, deadly fighting method passed down from the Shaolin to Great Grandmaster Shihan Hanshi Smith, has been fully documented and organized into a simple three step training regimine. You will learn how to immobilize, knock unconscious, and even kill your attacker if absolutely necessary with a single touch to the appropriate "dim mak" point on the assailent's body. Of course, we can never, ever, demonstrate the techniques effectiveness, ever. To do so will have dire concequences and may cause death. So, you'll just have to take Great Grandmaster Shihan Hanshi Smith's word for it.


Buy each installment for the low, low price of $99.95. Or buy the complete set for only $249.95!

Matsumura Seito Shorin-Ryu

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Does it exist? Have you seen Dim Mak (Death touch) performance? I've seen a few Death Touch performances in Batman, Nightwing and Daredevil comic books.


Thats about the only world it exists in. Think about it for a minute- to claim to know the "death touch" is great for marketing in its simplicity- why? Well because you never have to prove that it works!


Whenever anyone asks you, the simple response it "No no no, I cant- its too deadly"

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Bruce Lee died on a movie set. He was shot. The gun was supposed to have blanks, but obviously it didn't. That story sounds ridiculous, a scam, as others have pointed out. Smr put it quite nicely.


Wasn't that Brandon Lee, Bruce's son!?!

Tokonkai Karate-do Instructor


Kata, Bunkai, Articles, Reviews, History, Uncovering the Myths, Discussion Forum

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Ya, that was Brandon Lee that died on the movie set.


I have never seen the "dim mak" ever demonstrated, only heard of it in movies and such, so I don't know if it's real or just myth.


I know pressure point attacks are very real, although in Kuk Sool, we don't use pressure points attacks to disable someone, we use them to get the person to cooperate and move in a predictable manner that the particular technique requires them to move.


It's interesting though because nature is usually symetrical, and if there are documented healing benefits of accupressure and accupuncture, why is it so hard to believe there are destructive results from attacking pressure points? (Just thinking out loud here, so to speak.) :)


Also, don't be fooled into believing that "science" has the answer to everything, and that if some procedure isn't documented in medical journals somewhere, then it's bogus.


It could be real or it could be myth, but I sure ain't going to sign up for classes unless whoever's teaching can demonstrate it really works, but I don't think killing people in demonstrations makes for good advertising practices. :P


Dahn Boh Nim - Black-Brown Belt

Kuk Sool Won

"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow." - James Dean

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Pressure points are the icing on the cake - they should not be relied on.


A person should be hit hard, and in vulnerable places so that even if you don't hit a pressure point you may still incapacitate them. PPS do not replace any other aspect of your training, they are an interesting addition and the last 5% of workable self-defence.

Tokonkai Karate-do Instructor


Kata, Bunkai, Articles, Reviews, History, Uncovering the Myths, Discussion Forum

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