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Best MA Memories of 2004

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Hello, all!


As this year comes to a close, it is natural to reflect on the past 365 days of our lives.


I thought it would be very interesting to ask... what are your best memories of 2004 when it comes to martial arts?


I think that in my case, aside from awesome classes, my grading for yellow belt would have to be up there.


What about you? :wink:


"Know Thyself"

"Circumstances make me who I am."

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Testing for my 3rd dan was definately a memorable experience! Other than that, I think standing in the science lab, learning Kung Fu from my Physics teacher is up there as well!

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way. When sorrows like sea billows roll. Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say, 'It is well, it is well with my soul.'

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5. Yves Edwards brilliant knockout of Josh Thomson via Jumping Roundhouse Kick to the head.


4. Chuck Liddell's KO of Tito Ortiz.


3. Testing for my 7th gup.


2. Being made an "official" assistant instructor and being given a key to the Dojang.



Passion transcends pain.

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My best memory is passing my shodan. Firstly waiting and then finding out that I'd passed and my instructor and the seniors all congratulating me. But the very best bit was some junior brown belts that had been on the course and had been watching the sparring in the grading coming up and saying 'You were AWESOME!' Nobody ever says that to me normally, it was just because I'd roundhouse kicked my opponent to the head several times just for the hell of it because it's so rare to be fighting someone who isn't 6" taller than me.


I'm still really pleased about it all, though I've certainly been brought back to earth in class since then.

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Hm. Let's see... funny memories?


Scratching my sensei while sparring (he has a scar) :D


Getting my brown belt :D


Participating in the PAL tournament..... and having an orthodontic malfunction at a crucial point of my kata. (*shudders* :blush: Horribly embarrassing, until later when I found it funnier).




Participating in another tournament, and losing to my friend and sensei twice, lol! Once in traditional kata (It's not fair to be paired against a black belt!!!), and once in my Pirates-of-the-Caribbean-themed extreme/open kata. :lol:


Um... can't think of anything else right of the top of my head....

DORKS HAVE MORE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Ahh good stuff here. Let's see. Getting my greenbelt was definitely a good one. Being awarded best karateka of the year at my dojo, and being told by my instructor that he thought of me as almost a son. Ummm.... getting all first places at a tourniment for the first time was great.

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my best memory is teaching my first class without my head sensei there.


it went like this... we have many senseis in my dojo, and it just happened that only one of them would be on call during the week, and he needed some help teaching, so i was pulled in, since i am a very serious martial artist and my goal is to teach. but i was in shock when he asked me. it was like heaven!! :D

shodan - Shotokan

Blue Belt - Jiu-Jitsu

Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward. Whoever cannot take care the themself without that law is both. For wounded man shall say to his assailant, if I live I will kill you, If I die you are forgiven-- such is the rule of Honor.

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Some great MA memories of 2004:

  • A close friend of mine testing for and passing her Shodan
    Managing to win 2nd place in a large sparring competition without even having to fight (very long and very funny story to that one!)
    Earning the Senior Student of the Year award from my karate association - and one of my junior students from the beginner class I teach earning the Junior Student of the Year award.
    Starting Wing Chun.
    Winning my weapons kata category - the first time I'd entered the weapons division & I won!
    Having more females join my dojo - I don't mind training just with the blokes, but a bit of female company is nice now and then!


And here's one thing about training in 2004 that I'd rather forget:

  • Having my instructor do a sweep on me so hard that he chipped the bone in my ankle. Ouch!

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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