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The spirit of Kung Fu?

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Kung Fu is more than can be simply described as a martial art. Some see it as the beginning to something greater or even a life long learning process.


Either way, I'd like to know what Kung Fu "spirit" is and means to you. This is obviously open to interpretation, I'd just like to get some ideas for a sort of "paper" that I plan on putting together in the future.


Thanks in advance for your thoughts and replies! :D

Close Quarters Combat Tactics - Hope to see you there!
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The main thing I gain from Kung Fu aside from learning the actual skills are self discipline and personal goals, a sense of direction you could say. Both rewarding in them selves :)

"...or maybe you are carrying a large vicious dog in your pocket." -Scottnshelly

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do you mean the kung fu ethic?


or the nuance?


or the general attitude?


when you get beyond forms and legends there are all kinds of things like animism that are affected by 'spirits'?


could you be more specific?

Ah! Mantis Grasshopper, i think you would do very nicely on a bowl of rice!

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Although I'm not overly well versed on the theory behind "jing sun", I believe that could be what I meant by the above. Doesn't it mean "the essence of life" or something similar?


I'll list some examples of what I meant by my post.


Ever since I've began training in Kung Fu, which wasn't all that long ago, I have seen myself improve in more ways then simply self-defense/fighting skill. I find myself more patient, more understanding of others, and most of all more "spiritually enhanced" I guess you could call it.


I've begun to understand that Kung Fu (and martial arts) is a lifestyle if you choose it to be so. From my understanding thus far, it can bring you to a new level of life and understanding. I've been reading a lot of martial arts literature lately, and there are some concepts of life itself within the pages that I would have never discovered or thought possible if it weren't for my interest in martial arts. This is most likely old news to some, but it's all new to me..


For me, Kung Fu has now become somewhat of a quest for knowledge in many aspects, being able to defend myself is just a bonus. I also apologize for the lack of understanding in my first post, I don't think I really knew exactly how to communicate what was going through my mind. :P


This short story helped me think things through:

A young boy traveled across Japan to the school of a famous martial artist. When he arrived at the dojo he was given an audience by the sensei.


"What do you wish from me?" the master asked.


"I wish to be your student and become the finest karateka in the land," the boy replied. "How long must I study?"


"Ten years at least," the master answered.


"Ten years is a long time," said the boy. "What if I studied twice as hard as all your other students?"


"Twenty years," replied the master.


"Twenty years! What if I practice day and night with all my effort?"


"Thirty years," was the master's reply.


"How is it each time I say I will work harder, you tell me that it will take longer?" the boy asked.


"The answer is clear. When one eye is fixed upon your destination, there is only one eye left with which to find the Way".


So I guess my real question is what has Kung Fu, or even any martial art, done to enhance your lifestyle apart from becoming a better fighter.

Close Quarters Combat Tactics - Hope to see you there!
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"Although I'm not overly well versed on the theory behind "jing sun", I believe that could be what I meant by the above. Doesn't it mean "the essence of life" or something similar? "


um, it's not strictly "essence of life".


translated directly, it is closer to "essence of mind/body" which can be "essence of life" but the actual meaning is not the same.


from the sounds of it,


you actually have a pretty good grasp of what 'jing sun' means




more specifically, what 'mo-shu jing sun' (romanisation my own) is.


it is spirit, mentality, perserverance, tolerance, perspective, respect, loyalty, dedication, honour and a whole lot more all rolled into one.


helping the weak and needy is part of jing sun.


striving to better yourself is part of jing sun.


patience is part of jing sun.

post count is directly related to how much free time you have, not how intelligent you are.

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Drunken Monkey, thanks for listing some examples and clearing that up. :D


I'm also going to meantion it to my Sifu to see what it is I can do to improve myself outside of class. I know he gets up every morning and meditates by the water front and then does some training prior to work. I think that'd be a good start for me, at least. It's always good to learn some new things and techniques. :)

Close Quarters Combat Tactics - Hope to see you there!
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