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new style

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its kinda a new style i made up, how would i go about spreading the word


i have evrthing done(kata wepons sparring age belt system) the whole thing


Should i market it or start with just my 5 students or what

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i dont think im gunna promote my self that high


and its diffrent because it teaches you to defend weponse with your hands because its a more disiplined style thatt focoses on bladed wepons and focus and meditation... ill edit later


what does that last post mean

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you gotta promot yourself to 10th dan , then make a video and send it to one of these sokeship companies with your money order, they will send you a recognition certificate ,put it on the wall and do a interview with "black belt " magazine. don't forget to contact "black belts hall of fame" then send letters to other sokes, give them Dan and get some Dan from them, here we go ,you are set.


PS: you need to make some menjos for promotions. and don't leave your stamp with anybody in any time.

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Give the guy some credit and support him for creating a style. Dont go and bash him and start making fun of him. He came here to get some help, not get critized.


To go about spreading the word about your style, you could go and try ot get a few friends or people and do some demonstrations in stores or something.


Maybe start with a couple students, and teach it to them. Then if you have some flaws or something, you can fix it before marketing it.


Anyways, good luck with your new style.

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i dont think im gunna promote my self that high


and its diffrent because it teaches you to defend weponse with your hands because its a more disiplined style thatt focoses on bladed wepons and focus and meditation... ill edit later


what does that last post mean


I'm just taking a wild guess here, but you're 15 years old...right? Judging by your spelling mistakes (I used to be a school teacher), my first suggestion would be to master the English language first so that you can communicate your intentions, thoughts and philosophies to others more effectively and by doing so, gain their respect and trust.


Secondly, what is your background in the martial arts that makes you think you are qualified, or skilled enough to start your own style? Have you mastered at least one system by training in it 20...30...or even 50 years?


What legitimate rank have you earned, and in what systems?


This is just a fraction of what you need to start a legitimate new system and then to be able to promote it IMHO.

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I agree with shorinryu sensei. There are many self-promoted masters in the world. IMHO it would be better to master an already recognized system and see if there is anything you can improve on in that system. It would at leats give you a basis to start formulating your own style. I have just begun to scratch the surface of the different styles that I have studied and I have "improved" small areas of some of them, but I am nowhere near ready to formulate my own style. Now if you are ready to formulate your style or you have already done this, then set up some demos, give some free clinics, attend tourneys, and get some students. The students will be some of the biggest help in that if they are impressed they will bring in their friends and then they will do the same and so on.


If you don't mind my asking, what is your motivation for creating "your" new style?

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Please tell us more about yourself...


You said that you combined different styles...What styles have you combined and what is your experience in these styles????


How did you get your current students?


How old are you? :-?

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