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Gift For Sensei?

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I was just wondering if it is considered inappropriate to give your sensei a gift (e.g., for Christmas or Chanukah).


I want to get my sensei something as both a token of gratitude for the great teaching and as a holiday gift, but don't want it to seem... weird.


What are your opinions? I'm really conflicted!


(I should have asked this earlier as Tuesday is my last class before holiday break and the only chance I have to get him something is either tomorrow afternoon or last minute Tuesday afternoon!)


"Know Thyself"

"Circumstances make me who I am."

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It's completely appropriate and OK to give a gift to your sensei. He will appreciate it.


Think your sensei as your teacher and a fellow person. After all, that's what we are - human beings. A small present for Christmas, a "happy birthday" if you know his birthday etc. are appropriate.

Jussi Häkkinen

Okinawan Shorin-Ryu Seibukan Karate-Do (Kyan Chotoku lineage)



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I've been trying to convince all my junior students that they REALLY want to buy me a box of Maltesers or a Tobelrone for Christmas :brow:


I find it totally appropriate :lol:


MMM chocolate.

Tokonkai Karate-do Instructor


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I have had 3 students buy me stuff so far this Christmas. It is completely appropriate and very much apreciated.

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I think it is OK to buy presents for your instructor.


A couple of people I know buy their Sensei a small gift when they pass a grading or (in one case) when they passed their black belt.


I didn't particularly buy my instructor a gift when I passed my Shodan - but I did take him and his partner our for a meal where the celebratory beer flowed freely. :D


As for prezzies, I got a few from my junior students. Like Angela, I was hoping for chocolate, but not all of them were. Sigh, I'll just have to work harder on my "buy me chocolate for Christmas" campaign next year!! :lol:

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LOL! Yes... chocolate really is one of the greatest things found on the Earth. :P


Do you think sempais get gifts often?


"Know Thyself"

"Circumstances make me who I am."

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*sniff* I'm not a sempai... not even close (yellowbelt*cough*), but hopefully, one day I will be. :D :karate:


"Know Thyself"

"Circumstances make me who I am."

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