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Well, my best friend who was already training for 6 months called me up one day with this crazy idea I should try karate too... It was so early in the morning I was willing to say yes to just about anything just to get her off the phone. :D




I went to the gym to keep the promise I gave her. I tought I'd have a good workout and that would be it. But after the class - well, I was hooked, I fell in love with it. :)


Why do I train? I love working on my katas, kumite. It's an ongoing challenge. Mentally, physically... As someone else put it: it's like competing with yourself. Pushing your limits, working hard or just trying to keep up and not quitting sometimes. :wink:

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

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I have been doing tae box for 5 years and i started the school i'm at now cause it was closer to home. I saw they also offered Karate so i watched a class then got to try one for free. I was instantly hoocked, i'm so obsessed with it and i go to two class a day Monday-Friday.


Today was the first day i noticed myself actually improving so i'm really happy.

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Long story made short. I had always wanted to practice martial arts but was afraid of being too physically inept. I had been in several situations where I was physically threatened but managed to manipulate myself out of harms way. I was convinced that most future situations would allow me to do so. In addition to this I had very little care for my own physical well being. Then the impossible happened. I got a girlfriend. I then realized that while my own safety wasn't important, the safety of those I cared about was. And suddenly I had someone who fell into this category. Coincidentally at the same time I met a teacher who had commissioned me to do some artwork for his dojo. I told him that I needed to observe a class to get an idea of what his dojo represented. I found an extremely close, supportive, and friendly environment and decided to participate. I paid for my classes by completing a series of t-shirts and logo's for his class. I still owe him for introducing me to an art that transformed my life. His name was Wade Chroniger.

The only two things that stand between an effective art and one that isn't are a tradition to draw knowledge from and the mind to practice it.

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I started because a friend of mine talked my dad into it (he needed someone to car pool with). I do it for physical fitness and stress relief/anger management. I have been doing it for nearly 20 years. I am now 32 and love learning new things....or teaching things I have learned to younger people. I believe my sensei has sons who have done well both nationally and internationally because I was there to help them along. He told me when he first asked my old sensei for me to become his student that I was never going to be a world champion, but I could definately help make one. It is fun to spar guys who are THAT good...through all my injuries, etc. over the years it is my commitment to those guys that keeps me coming back. Also, I am a diabetic so it is good for the health aspect also.

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Sick of soccer and basketball eh? Yes, I did soccer for quite a while but never felt very passionate about it.


"Kick the ball, kick the ball a few different ways. Now master kicking the ball."


Not very exciting, but in karate it's this huge learning curve where you can have been doing for 10 years and only be scratching the surface. It works for me, because if I am sick of one thing I know that we'll always be doing something else later on. If you're sick of kicking the ball, you're screwed.

"I think therefore I am" Rene Descartes

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I have always been interested in the martial arts since I can remmber. I did a brief thing with Kim's Karate (when it was popular in the early 90s) but then had to drop out because my mother couldnt afford it anymore. Now at the end of my college career, I began doing Goju ryu because it was something I saw each night after work and decided to try it out. For fitness purposes as well as self defense. I wanted something to do to battle feelings of insecurity actually - hopefully thats not too deep for you guys but its helping alot. Plus its always good to know Master Jules, definitely someone to help in all areas of life.

The sand bringeth and the sand taketh away...

Disciple of Master Jules' Temple of Sand Dojo

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I wanted something to do to battle feelings of insecurity actually - hopefully thats not too deep for you guys but its helping alot.

Too deep? Karate helps everyone stand a little straighter.

"I think therefore I am" Rene Descartes

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