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Legal issues with MA's?

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I saw my friend with this paper on his wall and I asked him what it was. He said it was from Tae Know do from when he was 5 years old, and that paper was a legal document that he was concidered a weapon. so if he attacked anyone, he would automatically get charged with assult with a deadly weapon. Has anyone see this before?


Yes. Two posts ago! :)


Any school that issues something like that is a fraud. There's no such animal.

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Just to clarify, in the USA there has NEVER been anywhere that you were "licensed" as a deadly weapon, or to "kill". That's pure *.


Exactly. While there were some attempts in the US to push such garbage legislation through at various levels of local gov't, they never made it out of committee.






The rest of my post is just a bit of humor to lighten the mood:

if you were a 5' tall, 890lb woman


Yikes! If she were capable of moving, she would be a dangerous weapon!

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Wow, that whole issue of a person being a weapon... frankly, it freaks me out! It's like you're just an object! Gah!


As for that 890lb woman.... *snicker* *smack self for laughing at what could be a sad joke* *take some Prozac to calm down* :P


"Know Thyself"

"Circumstances make me who I am."

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Oh man...lookling back at my post it is SOOOOOO full of typos!!! That should have read 90lb woman. I usually go back and edit out the typos, but I guess I was in a hurry that time...sorry.

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  • 1 month later...

In regard to your question proskater, i've never seen anything of that sort. It could be some thing your friend made up,some sort of fake document. I work in law enforcement and there is nothing in Illinois law that states that you have to register as a lethal weapon. I don't know about any place else either that requires that also. I know that when the judge is presented with the info on the case, depending on the circumstances and the harm done, he might take into account that you had martial arts expierence to determine the sevarity of your actions.

Why punch someone when their on the ground when you can just kick them

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  • 2 months later...

*Disclaimer* this is not legal advice, just my opinionated understanding:

It all depends on what state you are in. In PA, if you are attacked and have the ability to leave the situation, that is your first expected recourse. When you have feeling of "imminent harm" or danger, than things change. It basically boils down to what was the situation and what would a reasonable person due under those circumstances?

Once the imminet danger has ceased, you must cease defending. Example: someone comes up to you and pushes you. You retort with a punch to the throat. In PA, they have done simple assualt. However, you have done much more and the law will see you as recklessly endangering another's life. PA law expects you to find egress from the danger first, if that is not an option, stop the danger with enough force to stop it.

If someone pulls out a knife and you pull a gun and shoot them in the leg to "stop" them, then you might get off in the criminal proceeding, but boy will you be paying them out in the civil proceeding. That is based on the idea that a gun is a lethal weapon so you can't say that you were trying to stop them without killing them. Some courts will asuume that when you have pulled a lethal weapon to defend yourself that you have already made the decision that is neccessary to kill them in order to presere your own life.

So, for the folks who post on this list and make comments like:

...want to kick them in the throat...

...Teach them a lesson...

...Crack their skull...

Or any other comment that insues that you would like to take action that would severly injure, maim, or kill another human being you are setting up a case against yourself if you ever get into an altercation. The court could take your written words (that perhaps you see as just blowing off steam) as precursors and evidence leading to the point that you are a violent person who is more than willing to injure others.

In any case, ask your Sensei or teacher to get a lawyer to come to your class and explain what you should and should not do in relation to martial arts as far as defending yourself.

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in england as long as you only use the force that the person who is attacking you is useing then you are ok.

as for the lethal weapon bit.... *!

the fact that a person does MA i think will be taken into account but not held against them. abviously it will be assumed that if a person has studied MA then they will have greater control over themselves and their actions. (not fair really)

you may freely give up your life, but never lose your honour

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