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On 2002-01-15 15:19, Slider wrote:


:razz: the last post was totally pointless...but funny :razz:






As you may learn , I have much to say about nothing :smile:.

1st dan Tae Kwon Do

Yellow Belt Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

16 Years Old

Girls kick butt!

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Hey SaiFights ... I think any post that has "girls" in the subject line is going to get alot of "hits" here :cool: ....


sure, relay our responses....maybe we can get another :bigwink:




if you take a look at the dojo that i train at you will see there are not alot of women in the adult jiu jitsu class, the only girl who comes that is a regular and who i fight along side in the kickboxing circut is this brown belt who is around my age.


alot of women just feel very uncomfortable with the jiu jitsu program at our dojo because there is alot of physical contact, like the grappling and all that other stuff..........i over heard one lady in the cardio kickboxing class saying


"id never do that jiu jitsu stuff, just seeing those people roll around on the ground trying to kill eachother makes me think about being raped by some pig"


i understand where that lady is coming from though........but still some students did take it a little personally

You can boo me if you want, You know I'm right!

-Chris Rock


Allthough the sensei who initiated the question in the other site was being very serious isn't life better when you have a sense of humor? :spitlaugh:




Wow....start a girl thread and look what happens.... :razz:. I plan on learning Jiu-Jitsu next and am fully prepared to get tackled and taken down - as well as having to deal with a few 'slips' - it's all part it. While I do understand women having fears regarding feeling safe in a jiu-jitsu class, I have to say that they, by making those comments have actually already labelled themselves as victims just by saying they'd feel like they were being raped....I for one would rather overcome that fear and to feel confident of my ability to get myself out of that type of situation...it's all about what you choose to be - you can be strong and confident, or you can be a victim.


Lori :pony:



If you think something small cannot make a difference - try going to sleep with a mosquito in the room.



I was doing totally non-contact basically shadow sparring with a woman one time and she was coming in quick when i did a reaction front knee thrust and got her in the stomach... It winded her a little (it wasn't hard at all) and she started crying. I felt like a puddle of dripping ooze afterwards and that totally turned me off training with women.


Angus :karate: :up:



Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.


Yeah....well, I made a guy cry once too ... :bawling: oops sorry got to block those lowkicks honey! Hey you want to play with the big boys you gotta grab a mitt and get in the game so to speak. You play --You pay .... suck it up girls.


Just the other night I was on my 2nd/ 5 minute spar going onto my third when the guy (blue belt) approaches me... this is his first spar of the night and seeing that I am all dripping with sweat and huffing and puffing, he says "Oh you can just use me as a punching bag, I'll be easy on you, just come after me and I'll just block, ok?" I say "yeah right! " That adds fuel to an engine running on almost empty ... don't ever say that to me again buddy!




In our dojo we have many women who can give men a good pasting. ( watch out Angus.. :eek:) As for the " Raped by a pig comment" thats a little bit


of an insult. I would tend to believe that our MA brothers would show the utmost respect for women, especially in the dojo. Anything else would be unacceptable. Where I train women are treated as equals and we would not have it any other way. Prod child try not to feel this way, if you can not trust and respect those you train with


how can you enjoy the benifits of training. :???:



Pain is only temporary, the memory of that pain lasts a lifetime.

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