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Secluded Training

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so, aside from the lack of interaction with a sparing partner, do you see any advantages to secluded training?


not really - nothing that I can't already get by training on my own.


I have not read all the responses but did sevenstar just say there were no advantages to secluded training that he wasn't already getting by training on his own? If he is training "on his own" isn't he secluded from everyone else?

Honor all things.

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I am with you. I have done many 'seclusion' sessions. By seclusion I mean clothes on my back and a knife, in the mountains, usually a national park. I have always come out healthier in body and mind. If you don't believe that think of what we as people eat nowadays. No Mcdonalds, no hot dogs, not sodas, nothing except what nature can provide. My body fat went down considerably my senses went way up. Sevenstar wrote that you couldn't train effectively without a sparring partner because of timing and distancing issues. Try grabbing a rabbit as it hops down a path. Try stalking within spear thrust of a deer. My senses became amazingly acute. I could tell when another predator was in the area or when a hawk flew through the woods. After returning to civilization I would know when someone entered a building two rooms away because of the atmospheric pressure change. I could hear someone make quick movements behind me. of course that faded to some degree after time. But whenever I feel out of touch I head back to the woods. You don't have to do it for a year to get the benefit. A solid week would do wonders.


:roll: As far as sevenstar goes, he doesn't get it and never will. He is a product of the Me generation. "I spend several five hour sessions training a week, I do cardio, I hit the gym, blah blah blah :oops: . I'm 25, I have a full time job, I do all right" Who cares how you do? That was not even pertinent to the topic. He just wanted everyone to know how much money he makes, and that he's successful. I'm sure he drives a nice car, If he doesn't he wants one. It's not really his fault, our society has created people like him. People like that could never fathom the idea of having nothing and liking it, when they have always been taught you should seek accumulation of luxury.


Good luck with your endeavors scottnshelly. :)

Honor all things.

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so, aside from the lack of interaction with a sparing partner, do you see any advantages to secluded training?


not really - nothing that I can't already get by training on my own.


I have not read all the responses but did sevenstar just say there were no advantages to secluded training that he wasn't already getting by training on his own? If he is training "on his own" isn't he secluded from everyone else?


that was in reference to training I do in the gym every day. I see absoloutely nothing wrong with that. That however is WAY different from spending a year in the mountains...

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I am with you. I have done many 'seclusion' sessions. By seclusion I mean clothes on my back and a knife, in the mountains, usually a national park. I have always come out healthier in body and mind. If you don't believe that think of what we as people eat nowadays. No Mcdonalds, no hot dogs, not sodas, nothing except what nature can provide. My body fat went down considerably my senses went way up.


If you can't live everyday life without eating those things, that's a discipline issue. That's not a slight at you in anyway. It's just my thinking that a person should be able to control such things.



Sevenstar wrote that you couldn't train effectively without a sparring partner because of timing and distancing issues. Try grabbing a rabbit as it hops down a path. Try stalking within spear thrust of a deer. My senses became amazingly acute.


there's a BIG difference in having the timing to catch a rabbit and evading an aggressor's strikes. You really can't compare the two. All that is doing is making you better at hunting rabbits...



:roll: As far as sevenstar goes, he doesn't get it and never will. He is a product of the Me generation. "I spend several five hour sessions training a week, I do cardio, I hit the gym, blah blah blah :oops: . I'm 25, I have a full time job, I do all right" Who cares how you do? That was not even pertinent to the topic.


He just wanted everyone to know how much money he makes, and that he's successful. I'm sure he drives a nice car, If he doesn't he wants one.


you obviously only half-read the thread. Since you missed it, scottnshelly said this:

Point to secluded training is getting away from your everday responsibilties so that you can train like that. Some of us have a full time job, family, etc that doesn't allow us to be "in class several hours 5 days a week" and "in the gym hitting the weights and doing cardio every day."


Which makes my above response QUITE pertinent, as I was responding directly to something he said. The point was to illustrate that I have the same potential hang ups as he does and still find time to train alot.


Reading is fundamental.

It's not really his fault, our society has created people like him. People like that could never fathom the idea of having nothing and liking it, when they have always been taught you should seek accumulation of luxury.


I've done without. quite a bit, actually. you sound completely ignorant when you make statements like that, as you have no inkling as to how I was raised...

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You're right I have no idea how you were raised. Of course I've read over my post and cannot find one iota of information stating anything about how you were raised. Perhaps you are reading into this a little too much. If you took my post as a direct attack on your parenting or method of rearing, maybe you have some deep rooted issues you should discuss. The point was that society is the cause of our, yes our, perception of success. I would be narrow minded in saying that I don't have any luxuries, or don't enjoy some from time to time, (i.e. computers).


I had at the point of my last post read the whole thread. And the part of scottnshelley's post about responsibilities I perfectly agree with. The part that I was trying to point out was that you had to include 'I do all right' was not pertinent. That was just a jab to let everyone know you do 'all right'. No where in scottnshelleys forum has anyone asked "I wonder how well off sevenstar is?" It is just a psychological glitch that in this day and time comes out. Kind of like posturing before a fight. One upmanship, however you want to describe it. Most people don't even know they do it.


Next, as far as hunting rabbits go. I can compare the two, because I have done them both. Have you? Hunting rabbits only makes you better at hunting rabbits? Does doing benchpress only make you better at pushing a steel bar off your chest? Ignorant? Moi?


At this point I am willing to agree to disagree. You have your perceptions and little ol' me is not going to change them. But IMO, only a fool would not acknowledge some benefit to the training described in this topic, or for any type of training for that matter. I have been taught you can lean something from everything, if you look.

Honor all things.

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What about the option of secluded training while continuing your daily life. The basic philosophy of 'sacred space' used by yoga practicioners can be expanded to include sacred time as well. And chosing a location such as a room dedicated only to martial arts would cost much less than a year in the wilderness. I know a person who built a dojo on his property. When we train there the outside world does not enter. The training is for a set time and during that time the 'real world' does not exist. To train harder for a solid block of weeks or months would not give as efficient a result. A mind needs time to let the training and techniques 'sink in'.

There are only 10 kinds of people,

those who get binary and those who don't...

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You're right I have no idea how you were raised. Of course I've read over my post and cannot find one iota of information stating anything about how you were raised. Perhaps you are reading into this a little too much. If you took my post as a direct attack on your parenting or method of rearing, maybe you have some deep rooted issues you should discuss. The point was that society is the cause of our, yes our, perception of success. I would be narrow minded in saying that I don't have any luxuries, or don't enjoy some from time to time, (i.e. computers).


I understand that completely. However, "our" is completely different than "people like him" naturally, it's seen as an attack.

I had at the point of my last post read the whole thread. And the part of scottnshelley's post about responsibilities I perfectly agree with. The part that I was trying to point out was that you had to include 'I do all right' was not pertinent. That was just a jab to let everyone know you do 'all right'. No where in scottnshelleys forum has anyone asked "I wonder how well off sevenstar is?" It is just a psychological glitch that in this day and time comes out. Kind of like posturing before a fight. One upmanship, however you want to describe it. Most people don't even know they do it.


you hlaf- read the thread. I quoted above what that was in reply to. If you notice, I NEVER mentioned how much I made. I may only make 3.00 an hour - I dind't mention because it wasn't relevant. What I DID say was that I have a family, a job and pay bills - the things he was saying should make it hard for a person to train much.

Next, as far as hunting rabbits go. I can compare the two, because I have done them both. Have you? Hunting rabbits only makes you better at hunting rabbits? Does doing benchpress only make you better at pushing a steel bar off your chest? Ignorant? Moi?


I've hunted small things, but never rabbits. the point is one of efficiency. hunting tabbits will have little to no direct benefit. That time is better spent doing other things directly related to MA training. it's got to do with specificity. bench pressing makes you stronger at pushing and pushing activities. If I want a better hook punch, for example, bench pressing will not help me. If I want a stronger punch in general, it will help but not as much as something specific - like punching a heavy bag. The best way to get a good punch is to punch. The best way to become more agile in your MA is to do agility drills specific to that MA, which hunting is not. efficiency and specificity.

At this point I am willing to agree to disagree. You have your perceptions and little ol' me is not going to change them.



But IMO, only a fool would not acknowledge some benefit to the training described in this topic, or for any type of training for that matter. I have been taught you can lean something from everything, if you look.


And, IMO only a fool would think that the things described here would help you MORE than training in a direct manner. So yeah, we agree to disagree. I do completely agree that something can be learned from everything, but the something in this case is not as direct.

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What about the option of secluded training while continuing your daily life. The basic philosophy of 'sacred space' used by yoga practicioners can be expanded to include sacred time as well. And chosing a location such as a room dedicated only to martial arts would cost much less than a year in the wilderness. I know a person who built a dojo on his property. When we train there the outside world does not enter. The training is for a set time and during that time the 'real world' does not exist. To train harder for a solid block of weeks or months would not give as efficient a result. A mind needs time to let the training and techniques 'sink in'.


Not THAT is perfectly viable.

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You're right I have no idea how you were raised. Of course I've read over my post and cannot find one iota of information stating anything about how you were raised. Perhaps you are reading into this a little too much. If you took my post as a direct attack on your parenting or method of rearing, maybe you have some deep rooted issues you should discuss. The point was that society is the cause of our, yes our, perception of success. I would be narrow minded in saying that I don't have any luxuries, or don't enjoy some from time to time, (i.e. computers).


I understand that completely. However, "our" is completely different than "people like him" naturally, it's seen as an attack.


Granted. Bad choice of words.

I had at the point of my last post read the whole thread. And the part of scottnshelley's post about responsibilities I perfectly agree with. The part that I was trying to point out was that you had to include 'I do all right' was not pertinent. That was just a jab to let everyone know you do 'all right'. No where in scottnshelleys forum has anyone asked "I wonder how well off sevenstar is?" It is just a psychological glitch that in this day and time comes out. Kind of like posturing before a fight. One upmanship, however you want to describe it. Most people don't even know they do it.


you hlaf- read the thread. I quoted above what that was in reply to. If you notice, I NEVER mentioned how much I made. I may only make 3.00 an..




[And, IMO only a fool would think that the things described here would help you MORE than training in a direct manner. So yeah, we agree to disagree. I do completely agree that something can be learned from everything, but the something in this case is not as direct.


If all you consider is the physical aspect you are probably right. I am more of a spiritualist MA. So, I would get more out of it than you. You would get more out of a gym. That's all I have been trying to say all along. You cannot see the infinite potential that I can. Before you misconstrue that, I am not saying that because you cannot see it makes you any less of an MA. Just different.

Honor all things.

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