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Kicking off leading leg

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Who in here kicks off their leading leg, in the manner of Bruce Lee?


What are the reasons for doing this and the advantages/disadvantages.


I do it, but it's very useful for me because I'm left legged and right handed, so I can stand in a conventional stance (left leg forward, lead with left hand) and still punch hardest with my right hand.

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I sometimes kick with my leading leg, and there are several advantages and disadvantages to this:


Advantage - If closer in with an opponent you can quickly kick off the leading leg. It's also faster, and when mixed with back leg kicks can become unpredictable and hard to block/counter. Also good if an opponents keeps charging at you.


Disadvantage - Harder to train to make as powerful as back leg kicks. They can be best used as a sort of deterrent or jab, really.


Overall it should be a no-brainer to kick off leading leg as well as back leg :nod:


Currently 'off' from formal MA training


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I kick off the leading leg at times too. And I have to pretty much agree with what Jack has said. I think it is also another too to use at another distance than a kick off the back leg.


Also few at my school kick off their lead leg. It gives me a slight advantage to offset some of my many disadvantages.



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lead leg kicks are some of the best kicks you can have in your arsenal. mainly because it can be delivered so quickly and it can stop your opponant dead in their tracks


i know some guys who are so good with their lead leg they dont even bother using their rear leg anymore

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All of your statements are very true and Jack has already done a good job of expressing points that I would have. One more thing is when you kick lead leg you absoulutely need to be able to control your kick. If you just kick and step down yor stance can be left wide open and vulnerable. :karate:



Boards don't hit back.

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I quite like my leading leg, and tend to use it successfully is fights.


It is undoubtedly a valuable asset; being able to kick effectively with both the rear and leading leg gives one much more choice in techniques and combos, and as a result it gives me personally much more flexibility in my fighting style. It opens up new dimensions in terms of distancing and positioning, and a good leading leg kick reaches the opponent much faster then the rear one. As people have already said it can help you create unpredictability.


I also like this kick because you can link it to other techniques quickly easily, for example front leg sweep into a side kick or reverse roundhouse.



Shotokan Karate Black Belt

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I agree with everything stated here,the only thing I don't agree with that it doesn't have power.I favour my lead leg and it is definitely more powerful than my rear due to leverage and wedging.This is purely biomechanics add with explosiveness(fast twitch muscle fibre) and you will have a powerful kick.


Lee favoured the side kick for this as he knew that with correct form and application this kick was a winner,he actually got this from Joe Lewis and made it better and more suited to his own needs.Its like a boxers jab,you can flick it in or when needed you can drive it home,what ever the situation calls for.

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Well I perfere to use my back leg which Is left for most things but my left leading leg it also good cause it's quicker so it's hard to decide which Is better But I would same there about the same. :nod:

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Kicking off with the lead leg has many advantages. Too many to list....but I kick with the lead leg alot. It is very very fast, and can surprise your opponant. A lead leg kick to the groin are my favorite techs to use in sparring, competition, or on the street.


Using the rear leg to kick is good, but its "telegraphed" and a seasoned fighter will see it coming, but that kick has alot of power in it...so it will be difficult to stop. As long as both kicks are low, and not high...it is a highly effective kick to use...whatever your situation.







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On 2002-01-12 14:13, Danny boy wrote:


I agree with everything stated here,the only thing I don't agree with that it doesn't have power.


I didn't say it lacked power, only that as a beginner it must be trained more to be able to get the same sort of power :smile: :nod:


Currently 'off' from formal MA training


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