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MantasDaga Filipino Knife Fighting Tactics


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MantasDaga now open its door to interested few on this fascinating combative arts , train and learn this art at the island of Negros Occidental, Philippines. Only a few are benifited on this art especially on its counter offensive tactics as base on Filipino Indigenous Knife Fighting Tactics


Gumagalang sa inyo,


Samuel A. Ibe



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yeah let us know if you have a good link with some more information

A True Martial Arts Instructor is more of a guide than anything, on your way to developing the warrior within yourself!!!!!

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That is what escrima/kali/arnis and alot of philipno arts are about! They start with weapon training (sticks to replace swords or knives) and later get into empty hand training. Which kinda makes sense, since the Philipines have a bloody history of local wars, and a warrior would most likely fight with swords, empty hand only until he gets his hand on an other sword.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We are on the procees of an intensive training in the mountain but i was able to be in the city and got your message.


Basically,the seminar fee is 1500 usd and its covers the training modules and manuals,training daggers,sticks,uniforms,caps,first aid kit,derivable weapons,security,etc.Training runs from 10-15 days of an intensive advance training course.




Is it a renewal instructor certificate meaning one needs to return each


year, pay and get a certificate renewal?


We are Martial Artist and not businessmen.The cerficate we render is for lifetime use.(and questioning the validity of its appointment will result into a direct challenge to personal combat,following the traditional code of warriors art.) If you want to return,it is for liesure and goodtime,you need not pay us and renew your certificate.But you can still train and practice with us for free since we are building- up friendship and brotherhood and not business associate.


the art cover other weapons like rope, stick, etc? or just knife




If a martial artist does not know and understand the importance and effectivity of some weaponry then he should go back as a student,and should not teach or should retire.Knifefighting techonology does not restrict or limit its application in knife alone,its also introduces other similar weapons edged or impact as well as the importance of poisonous materials that can be applied or put into once weapon.


In our system,the trainee must undergone into the intricacy of the empty hand (dumog-pangamot) or the senses,muscle,tendons disruptment method if he or she has no background in the other fighting system.While we introduce the proper use of the derivable weapons like pasak,sakal,bottled water,rope,belt,hand towel,soap,notebook,keychain,sand,cigarete,ring,watch,bag,fortfolio,t-shirt,shoes,ect. As a sort of survival.


If one can create something out of nothing,then he is nothing.But if one can create something out of something,then he is somebody.




Hope to hear from you soon.




Gumagalang sayo,


Mr.Samuel A. Ibe



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That is what escrima/kali/arnis and alot of philipno arts are about!

As are most of the Silat arts. There are also French and Japanese (that I am aware of, though not familiar with) which specilize in knife work.

and questioning the validity of its appointment will result into a direct challenge to personal combat,following the traditional code of warriors art.

I'd be careful how you word that. In many states that's considered assault (possibly aggrivated assault, depending). In some states (such as FL), I would require an overt act to shoot you in response; in others (such as TX), I do not.


Further, carrying out an unsanctioned fight in most states is, itself, illegal; even when both participants are willing.

Knifefighting techonology does not restrict or limit its application in knife alone,its also introduces other similar weapons edged or impact as well as the importance of poisonous materials that can be applied or put into once weapon.


As a note for anyone thinking to apply this, the application of poison to a blade for killing another establishes premeditation, and generally moves you from manslaughter to capital murder.


I don't know the instructor here one way or the other, but I do recommend that people persuing combat-orientied martial training take a close look at a FMA or IMA blade art.



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  • 2 weeks later...

whats the deal with the quotes. as far as an edged weapon for defense i think there is none better but heres the but, you better get proper training in edged weapons or alittle blood can turn into a lot of blood but expect some blood when dealing with sharp objects.


Peace thru Power


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whats the deal with the quotes. as far as an edged weapon for defense i think there is none better but heres the but, you better get proper training in edged weapons or alittle blood can turn into a lot of blood but expect some blood when dealing with sharp objects.


Peace thru Power


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This program sounds pretty intense has anyone here taken it and trained with them in the PI

A True Martial Arts Instructor is more of a guide than anything, on your way to developing the warrior within yourself!!!!!

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