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Capoeira is something I would love to learn, maybe not much for the self-defense aspect but for the gymnastic/MA tricks aspect. From what I have seen of capoeira (which pretty much only was on tv and the net), it is actually more of a dance than a fighting method.


Is it really just a ...perhaps martial oriented dance or is it a complete martial art? Is there "combat capoeira"?

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on tv, that's what they want you to see, just as how on tv all kung fu is wushu. capoeira has ALOT of infighting and a lot of takedowns. I spar with some capoeira guys and they are pretty good...


i agree with sevenstar also capoeira is great for conditioning much like boxing. try it out and let us know.

pain is weakness leaving the body.

fear is the mind killer, i will face my fear and let it pass threw me. from the movie "dune"

i know kung fu...show me. from the movie "the matrix"


I once saw a show presented by my 'local' (local in the sense that they're within 150miles of me!) capoeira group. Their techniques were AMAZING. It was incredible to watch - the sheer power and ability of some of those people was outstanding. I have no doubt at all that Capoeira is a martial art.

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!


Yes it's definatelty a MA. It's wonderful aspects are often shown. But if you get deep you'll find that it's a real tough MA. It has ground moves that can finish the job quick.


The beauty is the MA, dance, Music, culture combined together to show the world.

"What's your style?"

"My style?"

"You can call it the art of fighting without fighting."


i'm gonna' steal DM's plug and advise you to check out some of zero gravity's videos.... they're amazing. if you check out lateef crowder's demo video... my god... but yeah, what they show isn't always what it is. i hear that the non-dancey capoeira is actually pretty effective... and brutal. i'd love to learn it, as it looks like great fun, but the local place charges $140 a month! :o

"I hear you can kill 200 men and play a mean six string at the same time..."-Six String Samurai


dang, that's steep. It's not that much here, and the instructor is awesome. He's actually working on a deal with the school board now to have a capoeira program enstated at a local elementary school.




the guy that runs this site is in the same lineage as the guy that teaches at my club.


capoeira does look realy interesting to learn, but Idont think there are any dojos that teach that style around here.


Wow 140! Theres nothing here in Indiana either but one man who does Angola. He's not into the other styles that are fast paced.


I would love to learn from someone who does the Angola roots along with Regional and other styles.

"What's your style?"

"My style?"

"You can call it the art of fighting without fighting."

Wow 140! Theres nothing here in Indiana


Actually, my uni offers Capoeria MA training for $50 every 6 months. I may end up checking out one of their practices next semester since everyone here seems to think very highly of the art.

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