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a neutral view to martial arts


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Many people have this idea of my martial art is better than yours, mine is more effective, mine is more efficient or yours is too soft, too fake or wouldnt work in the street. Why is there such an eager to attack other martial arts and feel that one specific art is the supreme and ultimate method of self defence? This can NEVER BE TRUE, no single art can simply incorporate every single aspect of martial arts, that is purely why there are so many different styles. A fighter who has learned all of the different method of techniques which i have yet seen is known as a freestyle fighter, who incorporates all styles together and doesnt come under one category. Martial Arts should be cherished, supported and we should certianly support others of differents styles and diminish prejudice and quick judgement. If people think there art is the best, let them think that, in the end of the day who bloody cares!

Brown Sash Hsing I/Lau Gar Kung Fu

Brown Belt San Shou

17 yr old


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My opinion is that people belittle other Martial Arts when they are not so secure in their own style. If you are happy and content and perfectly secure in what you are doing there would be no need to insult other dojo or other style of fighting. Some people look at other styles and point out the weaknesses, other people look at dojo within the same style but start accusing them of being McDojo etc. What they don't seemt o understand is that each art, and each training centre fulfills someones's requirements - if not they would no longer be in business. Everyone has different ways of looking at the same thing so leave them to get on with it. So what if someone got their black belt at a McDojo, it in no way reflects on your hard work within your dojo - all the people who mean something to you (instructor, peers, family) will know how hard you work week in and week out. What someone else does is up to them.


I know that something like Aikido was an art I had no interest in, this does not make it a better or worse art than what I study, just different. The same goes for all the diifferent styles, as long as you put 100% in and get enjoyment and fulfillment out of what you do then your MA is doing the trick, nothing else really matters.

Tokonkai Karate-do Instructor


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I agree that there is no perfect style. They are all perfect for those who invest time and effort in learning them. For some people my style is "crap", for me is the air that I breath. Other styles are good for other people, although I don't quite fancy them. I'd think twice before making fun of them because I know I'd hurt the feelings of fellow martial artists who have worked maybe more that I had just to find their own piece of happiness. MA is hard, is beautiful and it's like a beautiful woman ... it wants you entirely. We all make sacrifices: money, time, health, social life, just to be there and become better, find our limits and work hard to obtain our goals.


I bow to you all and admitt your style, whatever that is .. is the best. :karate:

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It makes me sad when martial artists have to bicker over their chosen styles. MA's tend to get enough negative press as it is without the "my style is better than yours" brigade adding to it.


Just because I may never train in 'style X' doesn't mean that I can't learn from it.


In a thread in the karate forum SevenStar recently wrote:

In the grand scheme of things, MAs are the same. At the heart or every technique is a principle, and that prinicple is seen in most MAs, most likely. Good MA transcends stylistic differences.


I thought that was an excellent point - my MA knowlege can and should transcend stylistic differences. It's good to learn from other folks.


That's one of the reasons why I like Karate Forums - a lot of knowledgeable people use this site and there are always interesting and informative discusssions going on. Generally, members here are helpful, respectful of other styles and courteous - the way MAists should be! :karate:

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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"helpful, respectful of other styles and courteous"


even me???




i've recently been told that i seem to ATTACK everyone who turns up on this forum.

post count is directly related to how much free time you have, not how intelligent you are.

"When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite."

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All martial arts have qualities, but they're different qualities. People that argue over martial arts are almost always doing so in terms of fighting effectiveness. You never see people arguing that their art is the be all end all of helping elderly people relax. Using ONLY fighting effectiveness when rating martial arts, there's no way you can say they're all equal, or even close to equal.


If you say "Every person values different aspects of martial arts, and can take something different but equal away from it." -- That's fine, that may be true, but you've missed the point. That's not why people were arguing in the first place.

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