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A martial artists' birthday...

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Yesterday I held my birthday party (it ended today lol, my birthday was actually the third though). And while we were sitting around, a dispute started about what every warm-blooded male talks about. Who is the toughest?


After a long fight (verbal) and a bunch of shallow threats being tossed around I was kind of fed up so I was about to go get some pizza donstairs when one of them made fun of me and my martial arts claiming they were of no use and that they were tougher blah blah.


I guess the mt.dew got to me, I told him I'd take him up on that bet and went to my closet to retrieve my kickboxing equipment. I told everyone that if they wanted to settle their disputes with each other then the best way was to actually find out who was really toughest.


It was a total blast, barnyard (no rules) kickboxing ensued for the next few hours. Full contact, full power. It was a total blast to see how truly improved martial arts have made me in my fighting ability. I even got so in to it and such that I pulled a classic element of Martial Arts movies on one of them. I let them have I think 9 or ten free gut hits lol. In the end I did eventually do the best, although without use of my fingers I couldn't use my true love, pressure point attacks and joint manipulation.




Anyway, I figured I would post about my little tournament. Anyone else ever done somthing like this?


(p.s. to note the injuries gained here's a list of all the ones I know as of now lol)


Loss of a Tooth (I caused it lol)


Large bruise on spine (I got it ow...)


Sprung wrist (I watched it)


Bruises all over (mostly everyone had those, I dind't have many though)


Hurt pride (the guy who lost his tooth lol)

I don't try to understand, it would be a waste of time. Instead I only try to understand.

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First of all Happy B'day. :smile:


I do have little sparring matches with my friends, but not full contact.


Would've been fun, but went to far I reckon. knocking one of your bud's teeth out is pretty harsh considering you have martial art training and he doesn't.

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Happy birthday Eru:bdaybiggrin:


You know I don't know what a group of girls talk about in the same situation either. I lived in rather odd situations when I was a young adult and was just one of the guys because there were not very many girls.


Does anyone know what a bunch of warm blooded females talk about? Well, except for rating the rear view of every guy that walks by.



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About the tooth knock out it wasn't intentional. And I was using a moderately weak backfist. The real problem is that he was trying to waylay me with some odd form (but still powerful looking enough to get me to react lol) of a spinning punch of sorts. So his head turned into the backfist resulting in a harder hit.


As for girls talk....gee I don't know. But around here I always see girls traveling to the bathroom in packs, I wonder what is in the girls room so terrifying that they must team up to brave it. lol

I don't try to understand, it would be a waste of time. Instead I only try to understand.

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