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Don't forget to vote!


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Without taking a political position, I would just like to encourage those from the U.S., who are of voting age, to remember to cast your vote. No matter who you support, it is an exciting time to view the political climate in America. Make your opinion count, and go vote :)

Student: "Why did you hit that guy with a chair? Why didn't you use your karate?"

Master: "Hitting him with a chair was the only karate I could think of at the time."

Lesson: Practice until you don't have to think.

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An educated voter is better, but people can and will always vote for dumb things. Like the color of the tie the candidate was wearign during his final speech. We covered this stuff in polisci. It's ammusing from a non partisan viewpoint to go over the scimantics of the presidential election in my poli sci class, as Im Canadian were privied to a unique point of view to the american elections, yes they have adirect impact on us, but we don't have any say. So we chill out grab a beer, and sit back and watch it happen all the while laughing as just as in Canada there are only 2 choices.

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I was a political science major in undergrad, and while I do find some of the things amusing, some times I just can't bring myself to laugh at other things...

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My vote counted!!


Did the smart thing and got to the polls right as they opened.


In, out, and still had plenty time to grab a Fourbuck... er, Starbucks coffee on the way to work!


Dahn Boh Nim - Black-Brown Belt

Kuk Sool Won

"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow." - James Dean

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Well, in my precinct, with the exception of the Presidental race, it was hardly worth bothering to be an "educated" voter.


90% of the items being voted on were uncontested. Mostly for judges. The only ones that had more than one choice were the Prez, a House of Rep seat and the County Tax Assessor.


Oh well... I voted. First time ever.



- "Failure is the opportunity to begin again, more intelligently." Benjamin Franklin

-"If you always do what you've always done you'll always be what you've always been." Dale Carnegie

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What I loev down there is the electoral sysetm. While its tradition for the electorates to put forward the common concensous of teh state, they dont have too. But they always do. SO the electorates are ultimatley a waste of your money guys, as all they do is put forward your votes.

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But they always do. SO the electorates are ultimatley a waste of your money guys, as all they do is put forward your votes.

wtfreak? you have to pay to vote?i thought they got rid of that a long time ago??

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