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i wouldnt say a woman has less chances of mastery as a man, i would just say to be a "little" more careful than a man in approach to training, and especially sparring(if sparring a man) since women are NATURALLY, structurally weaker, yet they have a higher pain tolerance and stronger legs(i think) so a woman has an equal chance of becoming a master. (plus a woman doesnt have a very big weak spot between her legs.)

in th old days, women became masters too. and i wouldnt doubt that they would kick men around all the time.

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Just watch grandma kick the crap out of Jackie Chan in Drunken Master and then tell me who kung fu was made for.

"The needs of the many out way those of the few." - Spock

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there are a few girls in my hung-gar class (i'm a guy) and the instructers wife sometimes helps with instructing

Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil~Exodus 23:2

Violence, even well intentioned, always rebounds upon oneself.~Lao Tzu

And mankind is naught but a single nation~quran

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I think there are more male sifus, though.

I've noticed this. Even though there are many women in martial arts these days (not just in Kung Fu) there still seems to be far less female instructors than male. Hopefully, as more women enter MA the male dominance will disappear and it will even itself out.

MA is for all, not just guys, but unfortunately there's still some men out there who can't seem to grasp this. I've had a couple of people look at me funny when I tell them I'm the Assistant Instructor for my karate club. I've also had some of the parents of new students completely ignore me and go and speak to one of the other adults (male) as they thought that he must be 'in charge' (even though I'm the highest grade at the club!)

Once I was on a course with quite a famous karate instructor. There was a blackbelt guy there from his organisation who told me (and a group of other women) that he thought that women shouldn't be allowed to grade above brown belt because we 'couldn't cope with the demands of physical training'. Bah! :kaioken: Several of the women there walked out in disgust after hearing that.

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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The girls in our kung fu class could beat up all of us guys. They are better at the forms and make great assistant instructors. We have as many females as males when it comes to assistant instructors.

"The journey of a 1,000 miles starts with but a single step."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Most - maybe 90% - of the females I see tend to at some point mightily resist the commitment needed to be very good - like actually sparring, training hard, and the like. If someone is in the class who won't step up their performance, i'll let them keep training sure, but they aren't going to advance. I can only assume other teachers are like this as well. So i'd expect to find that there are lots of women stuck in limbo forever at some intermediate level, while the men around them kept crawling slowly (some very slowly) in rank toward the level needed to teach. I hear a lot of "I'm a girl, I can't ____!" "But i'm not like you guys, I don't want to ____!" and it just irritates me. The female posters who complain about other women holding back in their class and not hitting hard have pretty much shown why there aren't many high level females, but i'd suggest they examine their own performance - after all, almost everyone feels that they are above average drivers, and it seems like every woman who posts talks about how every other woman holds back - the women in one of my early classes, years ago, were pretty quick to talk smack about how tough they were too, but one of them I stopped defending against entirely because I knew that even with two years of experience, they wouldn't touch me, and the other stalled at some level too.

"Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." - Baleia

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  • 5 months later...

I'm in kung fu I LOVE it!!! I'm a girl, been studying for four years and i do alot of tournaments, It was hard to learn how to spar against TKD/karate because my style does more with san shou.

I take shuai chiao. there's only four other girls at my Kung fu school.

Our greatest glory is in not never falling, but rising every time we fall

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