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info on krav maga

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i read on another post that Krav Maga was not combat tested and their gun disarms can get you into big trouble.




i thought it was?


any answers

the funny thing is that i know im wrong and i know your right, yet you keep argueing like it will change my mind. you should really know, you dont have to be right to win:)

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Can't be sure but it was founded by military veterans and is used for military purpose. In war a gun vs empty hand = death. If krav maga at least reduces the chances a little bit of dying, then it has accomplished its goal.


No style can guarantee you techniques with complete efficiency. For example knife defense...if someone is close enough to maim you with a knife, there are good chances that you will get hurt. Knowing techniques against it will at least give you a better chance of not getting injured/diminishing the injuries over not knowing anything at all.

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I think the gun hand defense needs alot of updating!


Ryu Kyu Christian Karate Federation

"Do not be dependent on others for your improvement. Pay respect to God and Buddha

but do not reley on them." Musashi

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What's wrong with Krav Magas gun defence?


You change the way the gun is facing and you also do a bodydefence while striking your opponent, what else is there to do?


Krav Maga is not only used in Military purposes, but also for civilians, cops, bodyguards. there are diffrent techniqes for diffrent situations.


In war a gun vs empty hand doesn't have to equal death, what if you attack from behinde or you are up very close? The system also teach you to use things in your enviorment as weapons.


I have trained KM in the army and I served as an MP we traind both as Policemen and soliders diffrent techniqes depending on the mission.


Now I traine the civilan part of the system.


Well I would say that it's a very well combat tested system, there are several units around the world useing the system for exampel:






US Coast Guard




Police in Israel, US, GB


SWAT teams in Sweden and Finland


The Swedish and Finnish Military


G.I.G.N (Groupe de Intervention Gendarmerie National), French Antiterrorist unit.




So I would say it's a system that is proven to work every day.


And when they find something that doesn't work or something that fullfill the purpose better, it's quickly changed.


KM is a system that is always under developing.

/ Karlberg.

If you want peace, prepare for war.

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Sadly, there are info out there that harms every MAs. Like this book I found searching about KM : Krav Maga : An Essential Guide to the Renowned Method--for Fitness and Self-Defense ( http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0312331770/qid=1099366445/sr=2-1/ref=pd_ka_b_2_1/102-2477450-1916109 )


Taken from the introductory chapters of this book :

You also need not spend years mastering the techniques. With consistant training of about three to four hours a week, you can master some of krav maga's most effective mental and physical techniques within roughly twelve weeks. You can perfect individual techniques much faster, in as little as 5 minutes I have taught some of my students how to succesfully defend themselves.


5 mins? yeah right. Stopped reading the book's preview on amazon after that line.

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Krav Maga is combat tested, it was and still is develpoed and used frequently by the IDF (Israli defence forces) in combat zones, mainly agaisnt the palestinians. Its therefore constantly being updated and perfected.


No gun or knife defence is full proof, infact its unlikely u will survive an attack, however as stated previously it will improve ur chances of survival.

"When my enemy contracts I expand and when he expands I contract" - Bruce Lee

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Krav Maga is combat tested, it was and still is develpoed and used frequently by the IDF (Israli defence forces) in combat zones, mainly agaisnt the palestinians. Its therefore constantly being updated and perfected.

How much time does the IDF spend on CQB?


How often does a clash between and IDF member and a Palestinian end up being a CQB fight?


How does being desigend for a strong, healthy, young soldier, in gear, with friends make it a good art for everyone else?


My exposure to KM is *very* limited; so, of course, this is said from more ignorance than I would lie; but what I've seen is decent for it's target goal (basic HTH fighting and agressiveness training for soldiers and police), while lacking the broader applicability or sophisticated efficacy of some other arts.

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I'm going to jump in on Kravs side even though I quit :lol: The President of the North American chapter is a Assistant DA in LA. They have dozens of videos of people being attacked with knives, some of whom r killed. They used these videos in updating their knife defenses. Not a lot of MA's can say that. The Krav scene in most places is pretty yuupiefied right now, because it's popular and well advertised. But u can LEARN the technique in 5 minutes, but it takes hundreds of hours to perfect it. Unless your a Moron it probably only took u less than five minutes to Learn a basic punch, but like most of us you haven't Perfected it yet. :lol:


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