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Is is just in Canada or is there no kickboxing on tv anymore

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Dear ramcalgary: I will address your last post which responded to my previous one (your comments are in parenthesis). "dearest shelbelle, I have fought and i do know Mr. Miles(or Mike as I know him by). Mike has done more for kickboxing and in particular muay thai boxing than anyone in north america." I think this is a nice statement. Thank you, as his student it makes me proud. "What I am saying is that I would like to see a greater variety of fights and fighters available in our tv market." Unfortunately, your choice of words in your initial post gave me the impression of an unfair attack at Mr. Miles. I responded with facts that were contrary to your statement as this is a discussion board. "As far as you suggest that I fight now...and you will let mr miles know so that he understands ...sounds like a threat. Grow up.." This is funny! You were quick to appear to criticize (due to your choice of words) so I suggested you get involved (nothing more and nothing less). I never said come and fight Mr. Miles or his athletes or whatever, I said why not fight on one of his shows. The purpose for this was then we can put to rest your 'unfairly matched' comment and that 'only Mr. Miles athletes fight on his events' comment through first hand experience. Since I was unclear of my intentions with my comment, I apologize for how you mistook it. Next time believe me, I will be crystal clear. "As for using the word "all" in the statement about his matchups it is called a random generalization. I should have said" most of "excuse me...sorry..." Your choice of words were incorrect, nothing more and nothing less. As such, I responded on this discussion board with facts. "I did fight in the past however once even on a Mike Miles undercard. however due to severe arthritis my career was cut short. If I offended Mr. Miles I am sorry." I have read a few of your other posts and have seen your comments about arthritis. Bad disease. You have my deepest sympathy as this is so brutal on the body. In regards to Mr. Miles, he does not read things like this so I doubt you have offended him, but you offended me with what I perceived as unfair statements that I could disprove. "In reguards to you...do not try to cut people down when making a point ie. typing errors or spelling errors....humans are not perfect and we make errors. This forum is for discussion and although i seem to have really pi...ed you off I did enjoy reading most of your comments." The correction on the spelling should not have been done, for that ramcalgary, I apologize. :nod:
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To Iron Arahat, here are my comments to you (yours again are in parenthesis): "I'm just curious who you are, seeing as you are one of Mike Miles athletes." Why, would you challenge me? The discussion board allows for one to hide their own identity (as we all have). Unfortunately many misuse this luxury and make condescending remarks or unfair statements while hiding their identity. In ramcalgary's case I responded to a post he started in which he used sentences that were worded in such a way that they offended me with their content. In your case (in the past) again I responded to one of your posts which again offended me with its sentences and contents. This is a discussion board and as such I put my response in. I have not started any thread that made any controversial remarks, but have only responded. Who am I? Figure it out. I have figured out who you are. "I also find it funny that you are so quick to throw out challenges all the time." Hmmmm! 7 posts and I am challenging all the time? This is funny and I think you should reread my posts. In my last post, I have apologized to ramcalgary for what he mistook my 'participation' comment to mean. I never challenged him and I never challenged you. Why would you use a 'generalization' that I challenge everyone when this is not true? "Ramcalgary did nothing but show respect for your camp. Ramcalgary stated "Mike Miles fighters are for the most part ameteurs although his top amateurs could kick a great number of professionals butts." To the contrary, not all his sentences seemed to show respect for the camp, otherwise I would not have responded. One positive sentence does not put a band aid over the other cutting sentences I read. As such I posted and gave some facts. Ramcalgary was clearer in his response to me and as such I have apologized to him for what offended him. Finally, I am quite surprised to see your running to ramcalgary's aid Iron Arahat. All I wonder is why? Are you still sore from my responses to your earlier posts? "I suggest you watch the documentary the business of boxing...the same lies true here (you can draw your own conclusions from there)." Does this documentary apply to everyone, Iron Arahat? Does it apply to the organizations you deal with or the San Shou event you fought in as well? I guess I can draw my own conclusions! :kiss:
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Shelbelle wrote:


"Does this documentary apply to everyone, Iron Arahat? Does it apply to the organizations you deal with or the San Shou event you fought in as well? I guess I can draw my own conclusions! "


Yes, these comments apply to most ring sports, San Shou included (when I state kickboxing I mean all types). This is to do with the fact that there is more than a dozen sanctioning bodies in North America alone. I think something I posted to you back on August 9th, 2001 speaks to this:


"A good show to watch Sharbelle is called the "Business of Boxing", it shares many truths with that of kickboxing (I believe it was A&E or Discovery). I have won titles myself in my younger days, but I don't put much value on them, they were made out to be more than they actually were. "


Shelbelle also wrote:


"Hmmmm! 7 posts and I am challenging all the time? This is funny and I think you should reread my posts"...."I never challenged him and I never challenged you"


On August 14, 2001 Shebella also wrote to Iron Arahat:


"I am sure that Kru Mike would welcome a submission from IRON ARAFAT to compete"


I would consider the above comment an indirect challenge. 2 indirect challenges in 7 posts to be a good percentage. I could also take offense to your spelling of my name, but I am sure that the capped version of my name you wrote was just a typo.


I personally wonder why you were so quick to jump on people, because of a statement that is far from what I consider harsh (critisizm followed by praise). Kudos that you clarified thing to ramcalgary and appologized, I defended him because of what appeared to be an indirect challenge, and what I would consider to be more or less a threat (the same way in which ramcalgary took it).


I have no problem with clarification of points, or posting opposing views, that's what discussions are, but the above noted statement and the following:


"Would you like to get involved fighting ramcalgary? I will let Mr. Miles know of your interest (tell him you go by the name ramcalgary and I will make sure Mr. Miles understands). I am sure he could set you up in an ISKA fight on one of his events with no problem as he knows the ISKA President very well. Let him see what you got and maybe Mr. Miles will put you on television"


should probably be avoided, and in my opinion are not needed (or need to be put forward differently)...


Congrats to Jason Jillian for being selected for the K-2 event in Montreal, and if Ms. McDermott is still at your club give her my regards.






[ This Message was edited by: Iron Arahat on 2002-01-09 15:06 ]

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