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should i wear shin guards

Marcus Aralius

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Im going into a kyokushin knockdown tournament in a month or so. we have to wear a mouth guard and a groin guard but have a choice of weather to wear shin guard or not. this will be my first knock down as before i was in the junior devisions which had to wear the whole shebang, head gear and all. i think the shin guard obviously help out if i land a geden mawash on his knee but make it prety hard for me to kick to the head, i know what your going to say, it all depends what you feel comfertable with.....bla bla bla, but does anyone have a story where they were praying to god they put those shin guards on or where they landed a perfect geden which didnt do much because of the pading???

Was going to put a Masutatsu Oyama quote here but changed my mind, look them up yourselves

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I cracked several bones on top of my foot next to my pinkie toe when my sensei blocked my mawashi with his elbow he was teaching me dirty fighting, I have seen a shin fractured after it was blocked by knee, thanks God not mine.

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Once I was on a tournament, wearing shin guards, but we couldnt kick to the knees though. Anyways, my opponent wasnt wearing any shin guards, so he lands a mawashi-geri right in my ribs, which hurt like a mofo, I thought he had cracked a rib for a second. Anyways, I got mad and I thought I would pay him back with another mawashi to the ribs, but as hard as I could.


He throws a weak jab, so I move to the side, and as hard as I could, with all the rage boiling in my, aimed for the ribs, and BOOM! my foot bounced some 300 degrees back as soon as it hit him (because of the bouncy padding) and so my back was basically to him, so he oi-gerid me (bad move) on the spine. I was in bed for weeks.


The moral of the story is, if you are going for power, and strength, dont wear them (padding makes kicks softer, however they might protect against elbows and knees) also, they can be bouncy at times. If you are going from light-medium-semi full contact, wear them, because if you arent looking to break someones rib or going all out on them, the shin guards can prevent a broken bone or an injury that wont let you walk for days.


P.S - If you only kick to the head, you dont use your shins because you kick with your foot.The padding might slow the kick down, so you might wanna keep that in mind.

Shito Ryu (3rd kyu) RETIRED - 2002-2003

Now studying BJJ(2006)

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osu! the tournament is ring karate so i only get one fight but i think its more intense than tournaments. sucks what happoned to you coco, in dojo sparing we usually exchange a few kicks to the side without much damage so i understand where your coming from, the only thing im worried about is geting my kick blocked with the knee and smash my shin so much i wont be able to walk, since i do most of my fighting with punches and low-mid kicks im not worried about the guards restricting my hight although a good heal to head techniqe is very effective to knockdown an oponent when he's tierd and not expecting it

Was going to put a Masutatsu Oyama quote here but changed my mind, look them up yourselves

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I thought Kyokushin rules were:


1. Knockdown:


No hand guards, no shin guards and only a groin cup and mouth guard allowed.


2. Semi-knockdown:


Shin guards, hand guards, head guards, groin cup and mouth guard.


If this is your first knockdown and they are allowing you a choice, I'd defineltey use shin guards just on the off-chance one of your opponents is and you get smashed up bad by him.


Osu and good luck!



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You might want to look for a post on conditioning your shins, it wont make it as effective as wearing the guards, but ive been conditioning them lately and I know if i hadent been, last night would have been a sure broken bone after this white belt elbowed me in the shin as I was demostrating a kick (he was asked what he would do to defend it , and he just elbowed me right in the middle of the frickin shins with all his strength ) Anyways, just another thought.

Shito Ryu (3rd kyu) RETIRED - 2002-2003

Now studying BJJ(2006)

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If it is your first tournament... I suggest wearing them. After the tournament you can get a better idea of how much contact your shins are going to be taking. If you plan to not use shin guards in the future then you need to start working on conditioning them and ensuring that you are kicking with the proper part of your shin as well.


I would not worry about a loss of power with the shin pads. Yes they will absorb a bit of the energy, but if you are kicking with good technique it is still going to hurt the other person. I've gotten a concussion in a tournament once and the other person was wearing shin guards. I've also seen MANY people lose tournaments from getting a gedan mewashi to the thigh that brought the person down, even when shin guards were worn.


So use the shin guards this time, train hard, condition the shins and then do away with them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Depends on what you want:


Safe legs, difficulty for head kicks


Iffy legs, good kicks


Is kicking to the legs legal?

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