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Pre-school Black belts

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:-? I was watching a martial arts competition on espn and was astounded by the fact that there were several black belts under the age of 10. How do people feel about that? Can a child really have the mental clarity, and understanding to achieve the level discipline that normally is associated with ascending to black belt? Are we now just accepting 'going through the motions' as a way to earn your rank? Or am I just old fashioned?

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I may get flamed for this, but I agree. I don't really like seeing really young people with black belts because of the maturity, understanding and responsibility that is associated with it. I don't think there should be some set limit, because yes I've seen some fairly young people (especially Japanese kids) who have trained for many many years and can demonstrate their skill and responsibility. However anything under 10 for sure I can't see that being plausible.

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It is just wrong...A 10yr old kid cannot possibly have the physical abilities to go through a BB test. Unless #1 they watered down the standarts or #2 he is training in a complete * style.


Both ways it is just wrong.

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Seeinh like 10- bb's makes me confused/angry and hurt at the same time. They act like 10 year olds and not ike instructors.


I got my blackbelt at 12 and when I moved to a different state and school my instructors and everyone else thought I was 16 or 17 because of the level of maturity I'd shown.

If i had to choose between karate and everything else, I would choose karate so i could beat up whoever made me make the decision and have everything else

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I was gonna take my first BB test in 1976, when I was 10 yrs old....my folks eventually pulled me out prior to that because I was being picked on in school and chose to fight back, so I used to get into trouble.....It was in Kyokushin....and we trained hard...that much I can remember....but the things I see today in dojos bothers me too......Ive seen those Paul Mitchell tournaments on tv as well......how does a 10 year old kid have a Sandan these days.....I just dont get it......I agree with Logan and Dijita......Im against it, unless its a VERY rare occasion where you have a prodigy on your hands.

~Master Jules......aka "The Sandman"

"I may be a trained killer......but Im really a nice guy"

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Thank you for feeling the same way. I was worried that I would step on alot of people's toes for speaking out. I meant no disrespect but it just amazed me that instructors could deem it appropriate to award a kid a bb. I agree on rare occaisions there can be a prodigy. But for them to all turn up at the same school at the same tournament? There can't be that many 'Dojo Howsers' out there. :)

Honor all things.

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There sure are plenty of "belt factories" though......whats unfortunate really, is that the kids involved get so caught up in the "hoopla", that they dont even realize they are receiving a less than standard martial art education. And that can wind up costing them much more than a "trophy" on the streets.

~Master Jules......aka "The Sandman"

"I may be a trained killer......but Im really a nice guy"

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YOU ALL CRAZY I had my Black Belt at age 6, and then did not set foot in a dojo for 20 years, and now I have my own school.


Just Kidding


Okay so a belt is a symbal of rank, but now days became more to a lot of us and is looked at different by the public. So a lot of responsibilities come with holding the black belt rank. I agree with children in the martial arts, I agree with children in the belt system, but I do not agree with children in an identical belt system as adults. Due to the fact that if I have a 20 year old and a 6 year old, most of the time the 20 year old will grasp the concept behind the techniques and the techniuqes themselves a lot quicker than the 6 year old. I have seen some schools or even systems for that matter that have different requirements for children and then only offer a low black belt rank until the reach a certian age, normally 16. I like that method

A True Martial Arts Instructor is more of a guide than anything, on your way to developing the warrior within yourself!!!!!

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I feel schools that cater to children have ruined the martial arts in America.


Greedy instructors and pushy overbearing parents help to produce these 10 year old "masters"

Welcome to McDojo's! One supersize blackbelt coming right up sir!

At Mcdojo's, your ability to succeed is only limited by the size of your wallet, and we back that up in writing!

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well, assuming they start at 6 (you can't really learn anything useful before 6) that's only 4 years of experience. Unless you train all week for at least 2-3 hours a day there's no way a real bb level of skill can be reached, let alone the maturity. Skill isn't the only thing required to advance in rank, if it were that way then every world champion should be given a 5th degree bb at the award ceremony. Lastly, most systems require teaching to get your bb, who's going to take lessons from a kid half as tall as them and rushes home from class to do homework?

There are two types of people in the world. Those that find excuses and those that find a way.


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