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Hi there,


As i am kind of newish to this and my training is advancing very quickly i just wondered if anyone had some suggestions on good combonations to practice as i need some new drills to spice things up. Any ideas???????????


Whats your favourite?



We are only as good as our weakest strike

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My personal fav....from the inside....left upper...left forward kick...left jab...then the devistating right hook.....to each his own though....hope that helps........

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here is some simple favorites


Left shin kick to rib area(drop left foot straight down), right cross, left hook.


Jab,Cross,Jab, rear leg front kick (to gut) watch for opp. to drop head then move in with a fast


jab,cross,hook,uppercut,jab(moving out with the last jab)

A True Martial Arts Instructor is more of a guide than anything, on your way to developing the warrior within yourself!!!!!

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Your trainer will surely drill combo's into you when you are ready for it. In the meantime, try not to confuse yourself with huge combo's and stick to a 3 move combo. Even when sparring always use a minumum of three moves before you pull out again. Try something like jab, cross, hook - jab, cross, uppercut - jab, cross, front kick - jab, front kick, jab. Make these a part of your normal fighting and build on them once you are very comfortable with them.


Always move in, do your combo and move out again. Enjoy!!

"You do not truly know someone until you fight him." - Seraph

"To be the best, you must be the best." - Me

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:P Sorry Jerry, I disagree. Practising combos can be divided into two parts, basic building block combos and kung-fu movie combos. :lol: Its FUN to practice weird, stylish and highly impractical combos because u sometimes get sick of doing the sensible stuff. Heres a couple of mine that look good but will probably get u killed.


step back and spin kick, double jumping knee attack, uppercut elbow.


front kick, jump front kick, low full sweep, roll to hammer fist


Get warmed up good first because this acrobatic stuff is good for ripping muscles u didn't know u had. :bawling:


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I wouldn't mind some advice on combos that focus's your opponents attention down low in hopes to open up the head to go for the finishing head kick.


That's interesting... see, I would rather get them to move their defense upward so that I can take them out with a spinning back kick :wink:

Rank: Low-Black

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In reality, I think it depends on what kind of fighting you're doing. In the ring, I would say it's punches to the head or kicks to the body that are more likely to be the knock-out blows. Trying to get your knockout by kicking to the head is going to require you to be very vulnerable to being swept or knocked down while you're kicking.


That said, I would say repeated punches and hooks to the stomach and ribs will get your opponent's guard away from their head and they will probably start backing up, too. With the increased distance from them backing up, you're in a better position to kick them in the head at that point.

Rank: Low-Black

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Sorry, I guess I should have clarified... I'm a Kyokushin practitioner that uses a very similar style to MT.... but our rules are different... we don't allow punches to the face because we don't wear gloves. So KO's are done with kicks to the heads are attempted quiet frequently in our matches. A lot of TKO's happen as well from repeated blows to the upper thigh, that is another way many people win fights.

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Sorry, my fault... I should have looked at your details, and would have known.


So, you punch bare-knucked to the body huh? I understand kyokushin to be full contact... do you punch at full power? That must make for interesting tournaments.

Rank: Low-Black

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