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This is in response to the thread with the 13 year old black belt wanting to design his own kata. Instead of getting kata help, it was mostly just a mob rush to knock this kid down as being unworthy of being a black belt.


Hey, if I was 13 years old, and had my black belt, I'd be a little proud of it, too. Heck, I might even put in my signature.


Just because one is a black belt doesn't mean they've mastered humility, and that's not indicative of age either. I've met plenty of cocky black belts from age 15 to 60 :)


It just seems like sometimes half the people here aren't here to really discuss anything, but instead put down everyone else's training methods, correct their spelling, lecture on little things or basically accuse any and all schools outside their own as a McDojo.


Maybe I'm a little sensitive, because MY instructor got his ChoDan at a very young age. In fact, he's only 2 years older than me now, but he has lived and breathed martial arts his entire life, and, IMHO, knows more about martial arts than many instructors of the same rank who are twice his age. I'm sure he did some stupid things at the age of 13, but who didn't? Hell, I remember thinking that Milli Vanili was pretty good at 13 :)


Now, I know I've lost my patience with the occasional young poster on this board, but at least they had more than 10 posts before I ripped into them :)


So next time someone asks a stupid question, before you make yourself bigger by knocking down a little kid, try to think of the last time you asked a stupid question.

I'm no longer posting here. Adios.

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There are no stupid questions only stupid answers. :)


Some people need to put down others to boost their own self esteem in order to make up for their own personal inadequesies. :wink:

Pain is only temporary, the memory of that pain lasts a lifetime.

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So next time someone asks a stupid question, before you make yourself bigger by knocking down a little kid, try to think of the last time you asked a stupid question.


I don't wanna.... it might scare me. I ask a lot of stupid questions..... and I'm uh.... well.... I'm over 30.... :wink:

Student: "Why did you hit that guy with a chair? Why didn't you use your karate?"

Master: "Hitting him with a chair was the only karate I could think of at the time."

Lesson: Practice until you don't have to think.

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A question has always been the mark of an intelligent person. It shows that you dont know something, recognize that, and humbly ask for answers so that you might learn and better your self, and others down the line......Questions should always be rewarded with answers....not insults....."The fool sits in silence, and the wise man asks...teach me so I can be wiser"......

~Master Jules......aka "The Sandman"

"I may be a trained killer......but Im really a nice guy"

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Let's ask ourselves as to what a Kata is? 'A series of movements/techniques against one or more immanginary opponent(s).


Now, if he wants to design his own Kata based on the visualization of technique that he knows, against immaginary opponents, why not???


When we visualize various combinations of techniques to perfect their application, isn't this a type of Kata? Didn't we kind of make up its application during practicing it? Couldn't this be a kata is we put several combination of techniques together and immagine we were really defending ouselves?


Although, I would think of more things to do during practice than to make up my own Katas, but it's certainly reasonable for someone to want to make their own if they choose to do so...


- Killer -

Mizu No Kokoro

Shodan - Nishiyama Sensei

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I agree, tommarker. There seem to be a few people here lately with a trollish attitude toward everything. I don't think they are that many, but they are certainly a vocal minority! There are beter ways to deal with things you think are immature or stupid than to bash the poster. I have only done that once here (and gotten spanked for it too!)- but it was as a last resort when several of us got fed up with him.


As for developing your own kata- I didn't see the post/thread in question, but I will say that developing your own forms/kata can be an excellant learning experience. It will force you to think, and work out bunkai. It should be submitted for review to your instructor and advanced students. Take any critique well and rework to fix any problems or deficiencies. Take the learning seriously , but never take yourself so seriously that you think your kata will be added to any carriculum. Odds are it won't be, unless you are a true master (in which case we would be asking you for advice!).


By the way, the trolls probably attend McDojos'! :)

Freedom isn't free!

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Goju Shorei Weapons and Goju Shorei Karate both require you to make up a kata to present at your Shodan test as sort of a thesis on the basics. You have to also be able to explain the basic bunkai for all techniques contained in the kata. At more advanced levels you have to have a more advanced explanation for both attack and defense.


I have mixed feelings about doing this.

A block is a strike is a lock is a throw.

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Like everything else in Karate, the more you practice the more you realise it's a personal thing and there is no room for judging others, only judge yourself.


You need to destroy the ego through hard training.


Obviously some people don't train hard enough :)





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