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How many of you are still in school?


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I just finished my master's degree.


However, we were in class the other day, and Sensei asked me how old I am. I reply, I am 29. He nods, and we continue training. The next day, Sensei approaches me again and asks how old I am again. I again reply that I am 29.


29? he replies. I nod. "I though you were like 19," he says.


That made my day. :-)


Hmm. Hello. This is the floor. How did I get here?

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I am currently a College Student in the Police Foundations Program here in Ontario...Oh, and I'm a first year =P

"Freedom discovers man the moment he loses concern over what impression he is making or about to make."

-Bruce Lee

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I'am still in school and will be in it for 5 more years...then there is collage...

90% of teenagers have tried smoking pot OR drinking. If you're one of the 10% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your Signature

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How many of you are in school, and what grade, or year for you college kids.


I was homeschooled 11 out of 12 years, and I just graduated last spring, I like being our of school :)


How 'bout you guys?


Yeah homeschooling! I was homeschooled for 10 years, then came to a private school for my last two years. My mom got a job on campus and I got free tuition. Now it's finally here...senior year, baby! I've been accepted to one college and am waiting to hear from two others. I'll most likely study economics. College aside, I can't wait for summer...so I can get a job to pay for college... :lol:

1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

No matter the tune...if you can rock it, rock it hard.

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I am not in school but I was watching the film Volcano high and they were on about grades. How do grades work? (8th grade etc....)


In England we have Year 1, 2, 3, 4 etc....

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Ummm.... grades....1st grade tends to be 6-7 year olds, second 7-8, third 8-9, 4th 9-10, fifth 10-11, sixth 11-12, and that's all grade school, usually. Then seventh 12-13, eighth 13- 14 is usually middle school, or Junior High, depends on where you are. Freshman (Frosh) 14-15, Sophomores (Sophs) 15-16, Juniors 16-17, Seniors 17-18. Frosh and Sophs are referred to as underclassmen (and ladies). Juniors and Seniors are the Upperclassmen who pull pranks on us poor Underclassmen, especially the Froshmen, like me.


I highly doubt my little rant was entirely necessary, but there you go.

He who gains a victory over other men is strong; but he who gains a victory over himself is all powerful Lao-tsu

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