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Picking a fight?

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Thanks again for the advice Shorinryu Sensei. I don't mean to sound like i'm turning down your input.


I'm past the 'invisible' stage that everyone goes through after a little training. But i feel i'm at a stand-still in my training. i know how to defend myself against someone from my class, or in a ring, but i would like to make my self-defense skills more broad.


I like the bar idea. I might try that, with a baby though, it's hard to get out more than once a month.


Also, as far as your statement " I know a couple of very good tournament fighters that have gotten their butts handed to them by people with little or no formal training in any sort of fighting art. "


i wouldn't mind taking a slight beating as long as i benefitted from it. I have lost many fights in the ring and have sparred/grappled with the best.


For my Junior Black belt test, i sparred with my two Instructors and their Instructor. He went all out on me, tore my Gi off and everything.


Then i grappled with one of my Instructors full on.


I know a good whooping when i get one.


thanks again

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Thanks again for the advice Shorinryu Sensei. I don't mean to sound like i'm turning down your input.

I didn't take it that way. :karate:



i wouldn't mind taking a slight beating as long as i benefitted from it. I have lost many fights in the ring and have sparred/grappled with the best.


Just keep in mind taht a guy you are fighting for real isn't necessarily going to give you just "a slight beating". It's possible, as in any real fight, that you could DIE. Some peopel carry weapons. some people will stomp and kick you without mercy if you fall on the floor, possibly causing fatal injurys, or permanent disfigurement (broekn cheekbones, teeth, jaw, groin, etc) It's not worth it bud...trust the voice of experience on that one.

For my Junior Black belt test, i sparred with my two Instructors and their Instructor. He went all out on me, tore my Gi off and everything.


Then i grappled with one of my Instructors full on.


I know a good whooping when i get one.


thanks again


You need to keep in mind that your inbstructors were not the same as a guy you would be fightingfor real. No doubt..rough as they were..your instructors knew when to stop, or when to pull a technique. A street fighter won't.


Getting a torn gi and a few bumps and bruises from friends/instructors is one thing...fighting a total stranger that is hell bent on kicking the crap out of you is another.

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Morality is very subjective. One person's morals might be completely contrary to another person's, so that is a very difficult question to answer.


Not so. Morals may vary person to person, but this does not imply that each individual will have their own set of morals to suit their environment and personality. Logical reasoning can dictate whether one should start conflict to test themselves, as you will see in the following.


When answering such a question, one must consider what is at stake and who is involved. Do you mean pick a fight as in challenging a person? Do you perhaps mean to simply agitate someone to the point of where they willingly fight, ignorant of your true motives?


If it is the latter, than that is by no means 'right', morally, lawfully, etc.. To manipulate a person in such a manner as to test your own skill at the expense of their body is illegal, and undeniably selfish. Each person has their own individual rights, and without the knowledge of what you are trying to do, tempting them into a fight would be virtually the same as simply attacking them when they are alone and unwary of such an attack.


If the former, that is a totally different matter. Although technically illegal to my knowledge, such an act occurs at both individuals' consent and is substantially different than what I mentioned above, thus being moreso up to you. Remember, though, if you are truly a skilled fighter, their well-being may lie in your hands.

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Thanks a lot Shorinryu Sensei, Karate Kid and everyone else.


Over the weekend, i saw my neighbor getting beat up by her ex-husband. i went to break it up, but he ran off when he realized that there was a witness. I was really tempted to chase after him and really whoop the tar out of him, but for some reason i didn't. i just called the cops.


i wasn't scared of him or intimidated by him, i guess i just didn't want to persue a fight that badly. so i guess i answered my own question over the weekend, eh?


for now, i'll just keep on keepin on and hopefully the need will never arise, but if it does, i'll be prepared.

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Morality is very subjective. One person's morals might be completely contrary to another person's, so that is a very difficult question to answer.


Not so. Morals may vary person to person, but this does not imply that each individual will have their own set of morals to suit their environment and personality.


I would agree that my statement did not imply this at all. I believe my statement was clear and correct as to the question of morality.


Logical reasoning can dictate whether one should start conflict to test themselves, as you will see in the following.


The term "logical" when dealing with the topic of morality, can also be quite subjective. What may seem like a logical response to you, may not seem logical to me in any way shape or form


When answering such a question, one must consider what is at stake and who is involved. Do you mean pick a fight as in challenging a person? Do you perhaps mean to simply agitate someone to the point of where they willingly fight, ignorant of your true motives?


Seems logical :wink:


If it is the latter, than that is by no means 'right', morally, lawfully, etc.. To manipulate a person in such a manner as to test your own skill at the expense of their body is illegal, and undeniably selfish. Each person has their own individual rights, and without the knowledge of what you are trying to do, tempting them into a fight would be virtually the same as simply attacking them when they are alone and unwary of such an attack.


Where as I would agree with you on this statement, there may be others who do not. Is it lawfully incorrect to begin a fight with these motives? The written law would tell us it is. No question about that. Is it morally wrong to start a fight with these motives? According to your morals, my morals, and most likely, I would think, most peoples morals, it would be wrong. But there are those who do not care about the legality of their actions. There are those who do not share our morals, or a belief in an individuals rights. I could argue with them all day long, but because our moralities are not equal, and perhaps completely opposed, niether of us would be able to persuade the other about what is "right or wrong"


If the former, that is a totally different matter. Although technically illegal to my knowledge, such an act occurs at both individuals' consent and is substantially different than what I mentioned above, thus being moreso up to you. Remember, though, if you are truly a skilled fighter, their well-being may lie in your hands.


If their well-being was something you truly cared about, this point might have some conviction. If you couldn't care less about the other persons well-being, then abviously you live by different morals and values.


Perhaps I am playing devils advocate, and if I am coming across that way, then I do apologize. I do agree with you that it is morally wrong to "pick" a fight. However, the point I was trying to get across, is that I can only give my opinion on the subject. I can not answer, definitively, whether it would be morally right to start a fight, because I do not know this persons morals. I could assume that we shared Christian morals and values, but I could be wrong in that assumption. I could assume that, just because he took the time to post the question, that his morals would indicate that he was fighting within himself... that too could be a wrong assumption. I will stand by my orignal statement, "that is a very difficult question to answer"

Student: "Why did you hit that guy with a chair? Why didn't you use your karate?"

Master: "Hitting him with a chair was the only karate I could think of at the time."

Lesson: Practice until you don't have to think.

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I have been in a few street/bar fights and they are quite different from dojo sparring. I only fight when my wife or I are in harm's way.

Best regards,

Jack Makinson

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a very REAL problem is that in the middle of intervening in a domestic dispute is that the party you are defending turns on YOU when they realize you are whooping on their "loved one."


when the cops come, it's also a very distinct possibility that their stories will change and they will defend each other, and now YOU are the bad guy.


call the cops...

I'm no longer posting here. Adios.

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Scott... or Shelly... or scottnshelly, :D


I sense you just need to satisfy a competition bug, and really, there's nothing wrong with that.


The best way to see if your skills are up to snuff is in a safe, controlled, environment. Try to hook up with a sparring partner, and see how you do. Set up some strict rules, or have hardly any rules at all if you like. But at least set a rule for no weapons, and don't kill each other. :P The point is, keep it under control. Have a friend referee even.


Don't leave it up to an uncontrolled situation where you might find out the hard way that you're really not faster than a speeding bullet, or as tough as a steel knife.


That's my two cents. :)


Dahn Boh Nim - Black-Brown Belt

Kuk Sool Won

"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow." - James Dean

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