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Picking a fight?

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I've heard that Bruce Lee often fought to upkeep his skills. Also, while reading the Book of Five Rings, in the Water Book there was a passage that said "from time to time raising your hand in combat"


Most Instructors teach that one should never fight unless it is absolutley necessary.


i have never been in a streetfight, but often fantasize about it in order to get a better perception on self-defense.


my question is, how many MA's fight and how often? is it immoral to fight when it is avoidable, or should one occasionally fight?

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Bruce lee got into street fights because when he was younger he was arrogant in highschool,always picking fights to see how well h could do.He got to a point where the cops started looking for him.


Ive never been in a real street fight..usually just afterskool fights in a parking lot n whut not.The most dangerous thing that happens in a street fight for me is if hey bring a knife or gun..so yeah..

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is it immoral to fight when it is avoidable, or should one occasionally fight?


Morality is very subjective. One person's morals might be completely contrary to another person's, so that is a very difficult question to answer.


For me, yes it would immoral to fight when it a fight can be avoided. To you, though, you have to figure that one out for yourself. This should be something that you search deep inside yourself for and find the truth about your own ideals. There will always be people out there that feel that fighting is a way of life and that there is nothing wrong with it.... they might be the same one's who get beat up in the bar every weekend.


You will also have the extreme opposite... people who believe that it is better to go to the grave rather than lift a finger and risk striking someone.


I can tell you that even picking a fight in the school yard seems like it might be a rather silly thing to do these days. I recently heard about three different teenagers that were going to the same highschool I graduated from many years ago... a nice upper-middle class community, and these three kids all brought hand guns to school. Coming home with a black eye isn't the worst thing that can happen anymore.


Those were highschool kids, but I wouldn't feel any safer in a bar or on the street. Who knows what kind of weapon anyone is carrying anymore?

Student: "Why did you hit that guy with a chair? Why didn't you use your karate?"

Master: "Hitting him with a chair was the only karate I could think of at the time."

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what else is cagefighting for? well, entertainment, but you know....

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Bruce lee got into street fights because when he was younger he was arrogant in highschool,always picking fights to see how well h could do.He got to a point where the cops started looking for him.

Actually, this is most likely myth. This was investigated and there were no records of any police reports or complaints made by or against him.

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I dont think looking for a fight is that great of an idea

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I know some pretty high ranking people who, in their younger days, went to bars with the intent of causing fights (to break them up) or picking fights when that didn't work in order to test their skills. I've heard another gentleman who travelled the US on his motorcycle looking to test his skills in every bar he stopped at. All three are men I'd never think about messing with, not even from 800 yards and helicopter support. :)


From what I've heard, this quirk isn't unique to the states. Many Okinawan masters had a reputation for wanting to scrap with big young and dumb Marines in the old days. I mean, it has to be tempting at times to knock around a young big ol dude, right? :)


I'm not saying it's RIGHT... just saying it's happened, and I tend to respect the heck out of those guys' skills.

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There are two sides of the spectrum I think.


One side is what I tell my students when they start classes with me. "If you you start a fight, whether physically, or verbally, and I find out about it...you're out of my class..period!" Now, this doesn't mean they can't defend themselves if attacked, or help someone else...just not start one themselves. I'm VERY much against training people that will become bullies. I've had to enforce this "rule" a number of times, and yes, they were kicked out and never allowed to return.


The other side of the coin is the philosophy that the local SanSoo school used (note past tense) to encourage. The instructor used to actually encourage his students to get into fights to test their skills. He no longer does this..I'm happy to report! :lol:

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Thanks for everyone's responses. I don't think that i'll go picking a fight, but perhaps i won't turn down the next one that arises. I've not seen many street fights and i think that knowing what to expect from a street fight would help one with his/her self-defense training.


From what i've noticed, someone creates a style of fighting, then then start learning how to defend against it. It only works if you come across someone fighting the same style, usually.


If one can train for a fight against a regular untrained average joe, then he/she would have an advantage.


Is this the general concensus, or am i crazy?

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Thanks for everyone's responses. I don't think that i'll go picking a fight, but perhaps i won't turn down the next one that arises. I've not seen many street fights and i think that knowing what to expect from a street fight would help one with his/her self-defense training.


From what i've noticed, someone creates a style of fighting, then then start learning how to defend against it. It only works if you come across someone fighting the same style, usually.


If one can train for a fight against a regular untrained average joe, then he/she would have an advantage.


Is this the general concensus, or am i crazy?


uhhhhh...my suggestion is to avoid a fight if at all possible...and not accept one if the opportunity arises just so you can see what they're like. You never know if that "one" is against a psycho street fighter, or ex-golden gloves champion for your state that's looking to beat the snot of of someone just for the heck of it. Also, you never know that if you win, this might be the guy that carry's a knife..or worse, a gun, and isn't going to take losing nicely.


My best advice for seeing what a street fight is like, is to go to your local bar on Saturday night (cowboy bars are usually the best0 and keep your eyes open. The place I like to go out dancing a couple of times/week usually has a fight or two every month, which I help the bouncer break up usually. You can learn a lot just by observing.


You do NOT want to make the mistake in thinking just because you are in the martial arts, that you can whip everybody's butt in the place. You are not invulnerable, nor are you invincible. I know a couple of very good tournament fighters that have gotten their butts handed to them by people with little or no formal training in any sort of fighting art.


Just my suggestion...take it as you will.

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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