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Any tips for my first tournament???

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It's not until May of 2005 but I'm already bubbling with excitement. It's 220 days away exactly (yes I counted) but I constantly have it on my mind. I will be competing in Females 15-17 Novice, and sweeping and grabbing is allowed, which is something I haven't yet learned, but my sensei said he would work with me starting now after class for about a half hour to help me. But i just wanted to know if you have any tips for a tournament newbie?...Besides of course "don't get hit"

.: No matter what happens you must have faith in yourself, or no one else will ever have faith in you. If you have the desire, you can do anything :. (A quote from my sensei)

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No matter what happens, HAVE FUN :D


Remember that you are getting judged on your performance, not on your abilities. You can be the "best" martial artist in the world, but if you have a bad performance, you will not do well at a tournament. You could also be an average martial artisit that has a great performance, and does very well. Your abilities come into play on how prepared you are for your performance, but don't get to hyped up if you win, or to bummed out if you don't. Also, learn as much as you can from the experience, so you can be better and better with each tournament you go to. But most important... relaxe and enjoy yourself. :)

Student: "Why did you hit that guy with a chair? Why didn't you use your karate?"

Master: "Hitting him with a chair was the only karate I could think of at the time."

Lesson: Practice until you don't have to think.

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thanx :D That was very good advice. I'm just hoping I won't hurl from being nervous :roll:

.: No matter what happens you must have faith in yourself, or no one else will ever have faith in you. If you have the desire, you can do anything :. (A quote from my sensei)

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Youre gonna see tons of people.....lots of energy floating through the air......stuff going on all over the place......youre really gonna enjoy it........have fun.....take it all in....meet lotsa people.....HAVE FUN :-)......when you compete.....dont get nervous.....its really no big deal.......just do what you would do in class.....the best you can.....HAVE FUN.......HAVE FUN.........HAVE FUN. Notice how I said to HAVE FUN ?????? :-).........youll enjoy it, and youll be fine.....and youll count the days till the next one. ;-)

~Master Jules......aka "The Sandman"

"I may be a trained killer......but Im really a nice guy"

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i think master jules hit the nail on the head. be relaxed and have fun. if you have the whole bunch of fun you're meant to had, even if you do abysmally, it still wont be all bad, and you'll hopefully have a good story to share with the lot of us :P if you don't, even if you do really well but not quite up to your own standards, it'll ruin your whole day, and probably your whole day after that. so yeah, be relaxed, have fun, and be good and loud and really confident, because judges hate having to strain to hear you. oh, and don't forget to yell. no sense having people think you scored by accident, just as they're no sense feeling bad about scoring a point by accident. best to just make all your strikes intentional, and you'll be that much better for it :)

"I hear you can kill 200 men and play a mean six string at the same time..."-Six String Samurai

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Great advice people. I intend to have all the fun in the world. Martial Arts is the world to me now. It has become a lifestyle, and I want nothing more to become the best I possibly can and always give 110% :karate:


But...about gouging peoples eyes out...erm, I don't think that would score well with the judges. :roll:

.: No matter what happens you must have faith in yourself, or no one else will ever have faith in you. If you have the desire, you can do anything :. (A quote from my sensei)

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Wow! I am so jealous :kaioken: ...I have always wanted to go to a martial arts tournament...I would give anything to participate in one.....but we don't have things like that around here :bawling:


Well I really really hope that you have a great time :karate: ...I agree with the majority here...just relax and enjoy the ride...Don't be so concerned with winning I am sure you will do great :wink: ....


It is very obvious to me that you are very passionate with martial arts...That is great because that passion gives you more power than anything else....Remember that one okay^^

"One may conquer in battle a thousand times a thousand men, yet he is the best of conquerors who conquers himself"

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