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Hard Times at the Dojo

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Being a teenager, I have had to put up with more than my fair share of s*** from many places. At a national karate tour. a few weeks ago, one of my good friend's mother cussed me out. She also cussed out the sensei's son, whom her daughter has a crush on. Apparently, this girl's mom had gone into the dojo before, cussing the boy out because he didn't wave to his daughter in the hallway at school. I don't know if she is a pshyco, or high, but tonight, she came to the dojo for the first time since the tour. We all practiced are kata seperatly, and she clapped for everyone except, you guessed it, me. She also hissed "stances"when I had finished. This just made me WAY mad.


To make matters worse, my best friend is in karate, and this mom has been treating her like she's dirt. What do you think I should do?

Make'm cry or get disqualified.

The more you sweat in the dojo, the less you bleed on the streets.

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Is your sensei aware of this problem?


He/she would be the first one that I would approach. If I had a distracting parent in class, I wouldn't blink an eye before I asked them to wait outside, and then speak with them after class. I have some very strict rules governing behavior of students AND spectators. Those rules don't chnage at the tournaments either. See if that may help the problem.

Student: "Why did you hit that guy with a chair? Why didn't you use your karate?"

Master: "Hitting him with a chair was the only karate I could think of at the time."

Lesson: Practice until you don't have to think.

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Make her stop coming. but seriously, maybe talk to her. i know that being that much younger can make it difficult to talk to her. if you're not comfortable with that, talk to her daugher (your alleged friend) and ask if her mom is on meth or something.

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At a national karate tour. a few weeks ago, one of my good friend's mother cussed me out. She also cussed out the sensei's son, whom her daughter has a crush on. Apparently, this girl's mom had gone into the dojo before, cussing the boy out because he didn't wave to his daughter in the hallway at school.

damn..what a biatch :roll: :roll:

''I know what your thinking.........did I shoot you 3 times? or did I shoot you 472 times?''

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talk to her daugher (your alleged friend) and ask if her mom is on meth or something.


Oh, yeah, that'll go over well.


As foreveryoung001 said, talk to your sensei. Let him deal with it. He's probably the only one your friend's mom might listen to, anyway.

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As foreveryoung001 said, talk to your sensei. Let him deal with it. He's probably the only one your friend's mom might listen to, anyway.


Correct! It's not your dojo, or your class..it's your sensei's, and his responsability to talk to spectators or parents that are causing disruptions in class or at tournaments.


I've had problems with spectators and parents in class before also, and I will nicely talk to them on the side and ask them to please stop doing whatever it was that they were doing that disrupted class. Either that, or please don't come in during class time.


Go to your sensei...express your concerns...and ask him if there is anything that he can do.

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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Sounds like the mom may be a little overprotective about her daughter- and pretty danged ignorant as well. Is your friend embarrased by all this? If this is the case, then it is especially important for your sensei to talk to her, and explain that her behavior is not only disruptive and unbecoming, but may be emotionaly traumatizing to her daughter also.

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I agree, your sensei should be observant, and handle the problem. I am also a teenager in the martial arts, and I haven't had a problem with others. But my sensei is strict in that if anyone is disrespectful to another person, then they will be kicked out of class. I think you should talk to your teacher. And if worst comes to worse, and he/she can't do anything, then just ignore the woman. Nothing must waver your focus in training. I hope you are able to stop her hateful conduct though. good luck, and never let anything bring you down, and if you do, let it be a kick or punch, not mere words. :karate:

.: No matter what happens you must have faith in yourself, or no one else will ever have faith in you. If you have the desire, you can do anything :. (A quote from my sensei)

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The best thing to do is talk to your Instructor about it. The Instuctor can handle the problem in a professional manner, but if you speak with the mother she will automatically take it as disrespectful.


so thats what I think you should do

A True Martial Arts Instructor is more of a guide than anything, on your way to developing the warrior within yourself!!!!!

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I'm throwing my vote in for the instructor to handle this one as well. It definitely sounds like there is a high level of ignorance here.


Now, does this mom have any reason that she might think is good enough to be acting this way? I personally think this behavior is inexcusable but that doesn't mean that there is not another side to this story. Why did this all start in the first place?

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