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How do you perform your kihon combos?


An example is uchi-uke, kizama-zuki, gyaku-zuki. Do you "blend" the 3 techniques together really quickly like one big technique??


Or do you perform them with the emphasis on each individual technique so you can clearly see a pause before the start of the next technique in the combo???

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With something like uchi-uke, kizama-zuki, gyaku-zuki I will do the uchi-uke/kizami-zuki fast, sharing a breath between them, and do a gyaku-zuki on one breath. So it looks like 1-2, 1


As the combinations get longer I may change them, in order to keep my breath and to get the best out of every technique. The best thing is to play with your techniques to work out what is best for you, and to change them depending on the applications you are visualising.

Tokonkai Karate-do Instructor


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