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MCDOJO Most common Style

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What is the most common style you find in MCDOJOS in your area?


I know in my area I see a lot of TKD schools. There is a few good ones but then you have black belt factorys also!


Let us all know.

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TKD, karate, kung fu, and then kempo, probably in that order.

"If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared."


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TKD would be the most abused I would think, but locally there have been several other dojo's through here in past years including:


Montana Free Style -- black belts in a year!


Oki-Ryu -- Still in existence here. I've watched his class a number of times. VERY weak IMHO.


American Free Style -- not one, but TWO black belts in a year!


... and several I can't remember what they were called. Most don't last long once the word gets out that they are crap.

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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My favorite thing to see......a 4'2" 12 year old SanDan who's been training a full 4 years.....since he was 8.....lol


EDIT : As I started writing this next part, I strayed terribly from the topic.....but it turned out a good story, so I left it in.


I started in 1973....I was 7 years old.....I was in a Kyokushin class taught in the afterschool program........they even made it tough on us as kids....it took me 3 years to earn a brown belt, but my folks pulled me out shortly afterthat because I was getting into fights at school.....once some kids found out I was in "karate".....they started....if youll pardon the pun.....starting with me......so I did what any good brown belt does when hes picked on by bullies.....I decided to defend myself......It was a REALLY long time ago....lol.... but I still remember my very first "fight".....I was nervous as hell, cause it was one of those...."Ill see you afterschool in the back playground" kinda things..... and by the time the rest of the afternoon went by after lunch, "EVERYBODY " knew.....lol......no way to NOT fight......I can still remember the long stone staircase that I had to look down into the lower playground area as he stood and waited for me......he was bigger....not by much....but a little bigger, and he was one of those "sports", athletic kinda guys......he thought he could take me......I knew I wasnt scared, but I was nervous as hell, cause all I can remember saying to myself all afternoon was "God I hope I win or Ill be so embarrassed now that they know I take karate"......so I get to the bottom of the steps and the kids are all gathered starting to egg us on.....Since he's bigger....he starts by giving me the double push to the chest......to this day I cant even explain how fast it all happened.....I hauled off and kicked him in his leg with my hardest low roundhouse kick that I could.....my heart was pounding so hard in my chest and my legs were shaking from the adrenaline.....my first street fight ever......There was that second when everything froze......everyone was quiet....or so it was to me.....and he started to go down.......I saw him wince in pain as he struggled to stay on his feet in front of the crowd.....and I remember feeling like I had "control".....a lot less scared than I was a few minutes before........he new he had to do something cause everyone was "ooooo-ing"....they thought the skinny kid was gonna get his a$$ kicked.....as his hands came up I could see that his leg was really hurt.....he favored the other leg, and had the begining of tears in his eyes.....but........he was the one who started it.....and when he picked up his hands again......I picked up mine.......and kicked him in the exact same spot as hard as I could all over again........he started crying right away and went down, rolling on the ground holding his leg.....I remember even then, feeling bad for him, cause I knew from class what that pain felt like.....I didnt like it either......lol.......but he never picked on me again......


Sorry I strayed from the topic......the point I was going for was that we used to have to EARN our belts when I was a kid....it took me 3 years to get a brown belt.........a 12 year old SanDan ?????......In 4 years ???????.........THATS a McDojo !!!!!!!!!! ;-)

~Master Jules......aka "The Sandman"

"I may be a trained killer......but Im really a nice guy"

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There are several McDojos in my area. They are a certain school that does "karate kickboxing". iIwon't mention names because any members from the school here may feel insulted, but they are truly awful. Oh and if you buy a franchise you can become a BB instructor after a couple of weekends training!

Tokonkai Karate-do Instructor


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At my club there are 158 belts you have to earn before you can test for black belt. But the nice thing is that you can test for each belt every hour. And they only charge you 1 cent for the first test. Each test after that costs double the previous test. So 2 cents, 4 cents, 8 cents, etc.


Seemed like a pretty good deal until I got to my 27th test and the fee was $671,088.60 (do the math yourself).


We also have the "foresight plan". Parents, with enough money, can purchase a black belt for their unborn child. There's a student in my class who has his 3rd degree black belt. He's due to be born next Thursday.


But at least I'm not in a McDojo.




P.S. Wish me luck. I'm grading for my plaid, triple stripped, 7 star, polyester belt tonight!

"Fighting fighting. Same Same"

"But you know karate!"

"Someone always know more..."

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P.S. Wish me luck. I'm grading for my plaid, triple stripped, 7 star, polyester belt tonight!


Lagging a bit aren't you?


Hey, did you have to join the plaid, triple stripped, 7 star, polyester belt club in order to test? What does your school charge for that? I thought my school was pretty resonable... after I got the second mortgage, and picked up a second job it was a piece of cake...

Student: "Why did you hit that guy with a chair? Why didn't you use your karate?"

Master: "Hitting him with a chair was the only karate I could think of at the time."

Lesson: Practice until you don't have to think.

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