KickChick Posted January 2, 2002 Posted January 2, 2002 Well I believe that depends whether you practice ITF or WTF TKD. The ITF considers itself a traditional martial art while WTF considers itself a progressive martial sport with the Olympics as its primary goal. The WTF emphasizes full-contact competition style sparring, which is why many people call WTF Taekwondo a sport rather than a martial art. Traditional Taekwondo seeks self-development and spiritual improvement, while sport Taekwondo seeks superiority over an opponent—winning.
dreamer38f Posted January 2, 2002 Posted January 2, 2002 Quote ....but when examined closely, all the empty hand martial arts are basically the same. Some may concentrate on different areas, such as arm locks or grappling, but underlying all martial arts are the same basic principles. I totally agree with this part of your statement, kickchick. The person that helps me outside of the dogang studies, karate, jujitsu and kendo. When we are learning one of my new forms or onesteps, he will show me how they do it and guess what, basically the same. When he was working on a jutisu grading we would go over my onesteps and he would get ideas for his blocks etc. If you think you can't, then you must. If you must, you will.
mastertae Posted February 16, 2002 Posted February 16, 2002 well....both are not as traditional as people may think...tang soo do is supposed to be the ancient for, of taekwondo...there is no true traditionality....every thing changes... Is it not easier to strike a mountain than it is to strike a fly!
jakmak52 Posted February 16, 2002 Posted February 16, 2002 Combat Aikido?? Best regards,Jack Makinson
jakmak52 Posted February 16, 2002 Posted February 16, 2002 Quote On 2001-12-30 13:31, TKD_McGee wrote: There is always some dumbass that has to say something... Just read a magazine or a book before you belive someone... Thanks McGee...I'm ROTFLMAO Best regards,Jack Makinson
MuayTB1 Posted February 16, 2002 Posted February 16, 2002 millions and millions of poeple have a black belt. its just a color dosen't make him any smarter or righter then you and me. teakwondo is made for self defence and invloved into sport. "Don't think!! Feel..." -Bruce Leehttps://www.muaythaiboxing.friendpages.comThis site is dumb but I made it so it is good.
Cory Reynolds Posted February 17, 2002 Posted February 17, 2002 Quote On 2001-12-27 13:51, MrDash wrote: there was this guy in our training hall(and had a balck belt) i asked him about if he could use taekowndo in self defense he said taekwondo is much a sport than a self defense art if that is true can u tell a good self defense martial art because the athletic side isnt really important for me I think that KickChick answered this perfectly, and she continues to impress me with her ways of expressing her thoughts. Only thing that I would like to add is that the athletic side shouldn't be overlooked. First, if you're really looking for a martial "art" and not just a fighting school, the athletic side will be just as much as a part as throwing kicks, punches, etc. Second, remember that the "martial arts" (not to be confused with your average bruiser or street fighter methods) are for self defense fighting purposes only; and that's only as a last ditch effort. The first thing that you should try to do is look for a way out whether it be verbal discussion or beating feet for the nearest exit. If you're not in very good athletic shape, you should probably get ready for that attack from behind while you're sucking wind. Wise man once said "he who has big mouth has much room for foot."
KickChick Posted February 18, 2002 Posted February 18, 2002 Thanks Cory. The ITA expresses my thoughts further on this matter and I will quote if I may... "It (TKD) was created by nonviolent men to discourage violence. It does give power. A power of self-defense far more frightening than the mere shattering of boards. But it never once suggests an offensive use of this power. It does bring physical well being, for there is no discipline of man which trims, shapes or conditions the body as well. It does bring a fluidity to motion, a grace to movement, and physical harmony. And it does more. It brings self-strength, self-knowledge, self-confidence, and self-control. It reaches toward the development of a total being capable of meeting any challenge with calm and success. It brings one to himself. It is a "way" of life."
three60roundhouse Posted February 18, 2002 Posted February 18, 2002 Is it true? No. There, I guess that should just about end the 231498275435th edition of "Does tae kwon do suck"? 1st dan Tae Kwon DoYellow Belt Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu16 Years OldGirls kick butt!
KickChick Posted February 18, 2002 Posted February 18, 2002 That wasn't the question asked! So 360 you believe TKD is as much a sport as it is self defense? Yeah ... I do believe I answered this question best.... Quote:"Well I believe that depends whether you practice ITF or WTF TKD. The ITF considers itself a traditional martial art while WTF considers itself a progressive martial sport with the Olympics as its primary goal. The WTF emphasizes full-contact competition style sparring, which is why many people call WTF Taekwondo a sport rather than a martial art. Traditional Taekwondo seeks self-development and spiritual improvement, while sport Taekwondo seeks superiority over an opponent—winning." _________________ ITF/TKD Black Belt (1st dan)/Fitness Kickboxing Instructor (KarateForums Sensei) [ This Message was edited by: KickChick on 2002-02-18 11:42 ]
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