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Smoking, Drinking?

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One class that i attended for a long time stressed to the students not smoking or drinking, ever. I know that smoking can be bad for your health, and it's bad to come to class drunk, but what does everyone else think about drinking and smoking? should a Martial Artist never drink or smoke, or is it okay outside of class?

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I do *both and have no trouble keeping up with everyone else in class during kata/exercising.


* I don't smoke cigarettes much, but I do have a cigar once a week or so.

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It all depends on what you would like to do to and with your body. I took ten years off from training, not long after receiving my 1st dan. I started smoking during that time, and then found it very hard to quit when I started training again. Did it make my MA suffer? I think it did. I certainly wasn't able to work out with the same intensity. Could I have still worked out and smoked? Most likely, but again, I would have suffered... suffered from the effects of smoking, and suffered from trying to hide the fact that I did smoke. It's not the type of things you want other students to see.


As for drinking... The same thing goes. Is a drink or two going to effect you? No more than a single cigarette would. If you drink before class, then I would expect your instructor to ask you to leave, but if you go home and have a beer afterwards... besides the fact that beer is really quite high in calories, I think it comes down to a personall decision. There is a lot to be said for those who are dedicated to living a healthy lifestyle. I can't say I am one of them, but they deserve some respect.

Student: "Why did you hit that guy with a chair? Why didn't you use your karate?"

Master: "Hitting him with a chair was the only karate I could think of at the time."

Lesson: Practice until you don't have to think.

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I quit smoking several years ago, and it was one of the best decissions I made. Actually, it took me several tries over about six years, give or take. My biggest problem was drinking- something about the two just go together. I'd drink, next thing I knew, I'd be smoking again.


Drinking is something that everyone needs to answer for themselves. If it is causing you problems anywhere in your life, stop! I quit that for a long time as well, and now I only drink every now and again, and very rarely get drunk any more. It relaxes me, so it is probably a good thing for me. But I'm a little older (ok, a lot older!) now, and not nearly as rambunctiose. I can tell you that I'd have saved myself a lot of problems if I'd never drank to excess. But everybody's gotta learn, right?

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I smoke and drink occasionally. it doesn't affect me, becuase i work out enough to compensate for it. now i do more cardio to make up for it.


I was really wondering more about the morality part of it. do you think it's immoral?

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I smoke and drink occasionally. it doesn't affect me, becuase i work out enough to compensate for it. now i do more cardio to make up for it.


I was really wondering more about the morality part of it. do you think it's immoral?


Well, that comes down to personal feelings. If you are looking for a way to justify it in your own mind, then I think you already have your answer on the morality of it.


If you are simply just curious, then I do think certain aspects of smoking can immoral, to the point that you are ruining your body. Drinking to excess, I have some issues with that as well, but I have done both, so we see how for my morality has gotten me. It's not my place to judge anyone's morality, I can simply judge my own, and I have been guilty from time to time.

Student: "Why did you hit that guy with a chair? Why didn't you use your karate?"

Master: "Hitting him with a chair was the only karate I could think of at the time."

Lesson: Practice until you don't have to think.

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i am drunk once about every 2-3 months once.and i drink about a bottle of beer at the max once a month. i stopped smoking when i got 7 :D

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nothin wrong with a beer every now and then. and, if you must, shootin some liquor and gettin drunk on occasion (too vague a term, i know) isnt so bad. just dont have a pro fight within six months of doing so. only live once afterall, so have fun but dont be an idiot.

"If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared."


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:lol: Yah! It's all relative. I smoke and I hate it but my master also smokes (Thai guy) and he says 3 to 5 cigs a day with 2 to 3 hrs of workout r okay. I will never give up drinking although I have given up getting smashed :( Sociable!


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I have never smoked, thank God. Like all cradle-non-smokers, I will never understand what it must be like to be addicted to cigarettes, so I won't even start with telling people they shouldn't smoke. But I am glad I never started. I think we all know the health consequences of smoking.


As for drinking, I probably only have a few every couple of months. However, that being said, when I do drink, I usually drink enough to really start having a good time. Mild hangover the next morning...


Does it affect my training? Nope. Will it? Maybe. I'll try to keep my eye on it.



"Fighting fighting. Same Same"

"But you know karate!"

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