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I would like to be in your dojo lol :karate:


Oh...we have fun I think. :D


One other one that I forgot was where one student will stand in a strong horse stance, hands behind his back, and another student will be to his/her side and roundhouse kick....again as hard as the person can take...to the stomach. No "flinching" llowed. Again, they need to be breathing during this. It's a good exercies to get used to being hit in the stomach. I can take a pretty good shot to the stomach and not be hurt.


I hope my dojo does this, really helps with what are real fight would be like....

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i was asked by a (former) boss to bang nails into floorboards for 6 hours a day, for almost two weeks........seiza was never as uncomfortable after that.






Yeah, Seiza can be preety uncomfortable after some time.

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Kotekite and blindfolding the defender during self defense training. I also do blindfolds during kata sometimes. It internalizes your sense of balance more and allows you to become more sensitive to your surroundings. IMO anyway.

A block is a strike is a lock is a throw.

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I will blindfold all of the students. Put them in a circle, a big circle with lots of space between each person. Then I stand in the middle with a couple of pads, and randomly go to each student and hit them with the pads. Not hard, but enough so they know they got hit.


I'm not exactly sure if this really helps your other senses pick up an attack, but everybody loves doing it. Kids and adults.

Student: "Why did you hit that guy with a chair? Why didn't you use your karate?"

Master: "Hitting him with a chair was the only karate I could think of at the time."

Lesson: Practice until you don't have to think.

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One time, when my sensei was testing, Sensei Yamashita had him do front kicks back and forth of the dojo for the entire class....that's a loooong time. Well, towards the end of class, my sensei was awfully tired and could barely raise his legs, but he kept going until the end. He earned his belt that day, not because of the great technique of his kicks, but because he kept going until he was told to stop. I've always liked this story, just thought I'd share it.

karateka of Kobayashi Shorin-ryu karate-do(since 2000)

"A human life is truly as frail and fleeting as the morning dew." -Rashomon

“Like everyone else, you want to learn the way to win, but never to accept the way to lose. To accept defeat, to learn to die is to be liberated from it. So when tomorrow comes you must free your ambitious mind and learn the art of dying.” BL

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We had a "karate kid moment" a couple of months ago at my dojo when we all helped to redecorate and renovate the dojo. We had plenty of comments flying about on that day about "brush up, brush down" and the like. The next project that Sensei is getting us all to help with is to put a new floor down, so "sand the floor" jokes will be in fashion on that day I bet...


One'unusual' way that we train is to practice horse stance with a kid sitting on your shoulders. The little kids think its great fun to sit on the other persons shoulders and the adults and teenagers have competitions amonst them to try and beat each others times of how long they can last out.


We also have 'races' from one end of the dojo to the other with a kid sitting on an adults back.


Continuing on the 'piggyback theme' we also have 'piggyback' sparring, with an adult or older teen holding onto one of the kids. They then 'spar' against another person, also holding onto a child. The two children have to try and hit each other, whilst the person holding them moves around trying to let them hit the other kid but at the same time not being hit. Its a bit of good fun that we sometimes finish the lesson off with - all the children love it!


We also do blindfold kata training, as well as the more common 'mirror' and 'reverse' kata training.

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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