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Stances are the key


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Even though I am just a yellow belt. I don't think i'll get an argument when i say that stances are the most important. What i would like to see on this forum are visual examples of every stance, so that i and other martial artists can increase our rate of improvement. if someone has some images, or GOOD links, please show them here[/b]. Please, no irrelevant or dead-end links. just visual examples of stances please :oops: :)

Keep it intense!!!!

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Just write the name of the stance in Google image-search and you'll see the picture. Try to write both in japanese and english, as they may show different pictures.


- Musse

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I think I might have to disagree with you. Stances are not the most important thing. Having a good base is where all good technique starts. This doesn't neccessarily mean having a perfect stance.


Stances are transitory positions between movements. They shouldn't be too deep during an actual technique application. Deep stances are more of an endurance training tool than anything else.


Having a good base implies having good balance and stability throughout an entire movement and through any stance transitions. Then of course the technique needs to be ingrained to a high degree.


Just my two cents worth.

A block is a strike is a lock is a throw.

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I agree tha tstances are the key - just not any set stances!


I think a natural stance is your best bet. However you feel comfortable to launch any strike you need.


Set STances are important for the beginner because they give you strangth training , but as yuo get more experience I think they count less.



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thats one of my problems. My well respected teacher has a different set of stances than the even more well respected mas oyama. should i do stances that my teacher teaches me, or stances that i see done by oyama? the stances are similar, but i guess shotokan must be different from the karate that oyama practiced. but is oyamas type of karate better?

Keep it intense!!!!

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of its own accord before there are any actual

hostilities...It is best to win without fighting.

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Mas Oyama practiced his own style of karate called Kyokushin Kai Karate. Oyama's karate isn't any better or worse than Shotokan. It just has Oyama's interpretation of techniques.


You should do your stances the way your instructor teaches them to you. You definitely don't want to bump heads with the instructor over his teaching style. If you truly have a problem with it I suggest you find somewhere else to train.


To jax_evolution, Stances don't count less as you progress. They count more. As you learn more and more, you will start seeing different possibilities for every movement including those of the stances. There is no wasted movement in karate if you look at a technique from differing viewpoints. Also deep stances are not for strength training. They will get you to a certain level and then it becomes an endurance game.

A block is a strike is a lock is a throw.

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