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One Hit One Kill


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I studied shotokan for 12 years so I would hardly call that skipping around from style to style. The reason I switched was because I found the punching techniques in shotokan limited and I wanted to kickbox.


Not to mentiom if you strike someone on the street in a self defence situation and kill them unless your life was in danger and you use justifiable force it is your butt that will be behind bars . So think about your "one strike on kill" throat attack before you use it maybe a simple side kick to the knee would do the trick.



Honor is the most important thing a man has once you lose it it is gone forever

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I realise that this has little to do with the one hit one kill debate but ramcalgary's post about limited punches in shotokan karate reminded me off something that I have been meaning to say...!


Well I have heard plenty of people say that the punches in Shotokan Karate are limited, not really applicable today e.t.c. but I dont think that many people know that the more common 'hook' punches and 'uppercut' punches and many other variations do actually exist in Karate. I would agree that they are not commonly taught or seen; but they are there; and ofcourse almost all the kicks which are seen in kickboxing are too seen in karate...lol really - I dont see the difference between the two! :grin:

Shotokan Karate Black Belt

==Defend the path of Truth==

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Yeah, it has always kind of confused me why certain schools or certain masters and/or instructors decide not to teach a certain technique or movement even though it is clearly a part of the style (even more so if it is a traditional school). A lot of sport-oriented schools have obviously thrown out a lot of techniques which they deem 'unnecessary' or 'impractical' or obsolete but for a traditional school this puzzles me.

'Conviction is a luxury for those on the sidelines'

William Parcher, 'A BEAUTIFUL MIND'

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  • 2 months later...
thats not the only one. I dont know the name of this karate.. what Bruce lee does, that could really kill people. It is going to take 4 shots to kill that Person, not very good. but thats the second one... who could really kill people!


KENPO Green belt master

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The problem with the one hit one kill idea is you put all your emphasis on one technique and if that doesn't finish the fight then you could be in trouble. We train to always have a backup and never to rely on one tech. to end the fight but rather multiple techniques and always having a backup plan. No one way is right it just depends on what is better or more practical for the person who is training.





2nd Degree black belt in Kenpo Karate and Tae Kwon Do. 1997 NASKA competitor-2nd place Nationally in Blackbelt American Forms. Firearms activist!

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The one hit one kill may work... when the opponent is tied up or whithout moving :lol:


Please, stop phantasizing. Any bare knuckle full contact tournament demonstrate it doesn't work (kyokushinkai, shidokan, enshin, daido-juku,...). Do you think the fighters hit without power? They search for the KO sistematically.


When I asked Master Takashi Azuma (8th dan founder of Daido-Juku) about this matter, he laughed a lot!


All full contact karate masters think the same way.



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I think the one hit kill is nice, but alot of times unneccessary, which doesn't mean that karateka can't not kill people. I like to integrate moves from many styles, but if my life depended on it, the punch i'd use would prolly be the Karate reverse punch...juss alotta power...lol, i'm a kicker tho :lol: muay thia rounhouse usually does the trick...



"Live free.

Die well..."

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Agree with Morgay - you may kill someone with a single karate blow if the situation was totally impractical. In any kind of real fight, you are deluding yourself if you think you will pull this off. The only potentially vulnerable points you could target are parts of the neck and parts of the skull, and then you would have to be inch perfect. Not easy when the target is moving and covering up. :bigwink:
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I wouldn't take the "One Punch one kill" thing to the letter. To me its more an ideal than a fact.


i think the idea is to finish the fight quickly.. that's all. Not actually Killing a person with one move... :smile:

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Kempo can make a 3 hits and that persons dead. I never heard any 1 Hit.. I think that is JKD.. Jet kune do.



Kempo dude says: Stand up show me what you got, im black belter in kempo, im a Kempo champ. lets see who will win!

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