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Complete White Belt


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My advice is similar to some of the above - NEVER claim that you know more than you do and NEVER be arrogant enough to think that you can't take advice from others.


We can take some advice from our TaeKwon Do Kicking "cousins". One of the Tenets of taeKwon Do is to always respect others and to never stop learning from others.


And to save urself a hard time from ur mates, don't go shouting about that u do it!


But the most important thing is Listen, learn and HAVE FUN!


Welcome to Karate and I hope you get as muich enjoyment out of it as I have....and then TaeKwon Do and then Ju Jitsu....hehe - I started when I was 7 - I'm 20 now and can't get enough!


and out of interest - which Uni are you at?

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Again like everyone else has said, respect others above all. As you progress through your belts, NEVER look down on the white belt that just walked in the door. Help them, remember what it is like to be in their gi. You may be suprised too, they may actually know another style and can teach you a lot!! Just have fun and never lose that hunger for learning more because like others said, there is always more. No one can master a style, or know everything about it........all of us have so much to learn.

Never Quit, Never Give Up, Never Surrender.....

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and out of interest - which Uni are you at?


I'm at the University of Minnesota :)

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."

- T. S. Eliot

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I'm at the University of Minnesota :)


Okey Dokey - I live in England.....blows that one out of the water. LOL


Rhino made another good point - never get arrogant as you go through the grades - I was the white belt he described once - the one who already knows a thing or 2! :brow:


I was a little cheeky when I turned up to a ju Jitsu lesson in the first couple of weeks of me joining - one of the members thought I was a total novice until I countered his attempt to show off! lol - But that's enough of my own showing-off!


Have fun!

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Jax---LOL :lol: I have a similar story, I moved from MD to MO due to a job relocation and there are no Shorinryu dojo's here (well there is but it's junk) so I tried TKD. I went in of course as a white belt. The instructor new I had a ma background, the students didn't. He wanted to see what I could do at the end of class. Normally they spar for the last 30 min or so. The whitebelts didn't usually spar, but he put me in. (Paul Dexter is his name, two time world tkd champion) Anyway, I didn't get tired until I was fighting the black belts, they were simply QUICK. All of the other 15 million belt colors were astonished because they immediately got cocky and wanted to show off a little to this "white belt". As soon as they threw that first high flying hollywood kick at my head, they realized I had a lot of experience. They would say "uuuhhhhh, do you have a MA background or something?" My response was always, "Yes." and nothting more :wink: I waxed all the others and in my eyes, i beat the blacks also. BUT, my major problem and why I stopped going was because of my background, I wanted to trap their leg, or grab their arm. I was tossing the blackbelts onto the ground and landing on top with an arm bar. Of course, this is all illegal in TKD. It was basically poor self control on my part, but I couldn't see changing my style, it is very effective and I love it. Ok, enough bragging. :brow:

Never Quit, Never Give Up, Never Surrender.....

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hehe- nice one Rhino. I am always tempted to do similar to TKD players. And When i go back to my Karate Casses I am used to a more wholistic style of sparring now. lol


But I think we did a good thing Rhino - if these guys were more respectful then we wouldn't have to show them for the gits that they are! :kaioken:


That is what I reckon anyway!

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University of Maryland Goju Ryu Karate club over here! welcome to the fun Vertigo, I am a complete white belt myself, started last month :D

The sand bringeth and the sand taketh away...

Disciple of Master Jules' Temple of Sand Dojo

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Well done!,


You have just picked the most popular style of karate there is. Shotokan karate is the most powerful and dynamic of the Japanese systems, and is generally considered to be the most comprehensive, both in the range of it's techniques and the number and diversity of it's Kata.


Train with dedication and constantly try to improve on the fundamentals (basics) and you will be rewarded with results.


I am am currently an 8th kyu red belt at inyo shotokan karate club in tunbridge wells, Kent.



"there is no first hand in karate"

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