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Hard choice


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I'm currently attending two karate schools, a shotokan club and a wado ryu club i like the styles very much. Shotokan's hard style and wado ryu's more flexible style. I love to incorporate the two styles :karate: . But now i have two give up one school :bawling: because of the cost and because my mum cant bring me to both clubs every week. I cant decide which club i like best so i cant choose :kaioken: . I was just looking for other peoples opinons of the two styles to help me with my choice. :wink:

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This choice is yours to make. The only advice I can give you is to look deep inside the two MAs you are studying. See what their true nature, direction and intentions are. Then look deep inside yourself and see what your true nature, direction and intentions are. The MA that is closer to your "self" should stand out, and the choice will be easier to make. Good luck.

Train like your life depends on it....Because it does.

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I would stick with the martial art that you are the strongest with. Always work on your strengths.


Some would say you should work on your weaknesses to make them strong, but I'm reminded of an Olympic ping-pong player who had a terrible backhand, and an incredible forehand. He said in an interview once that he was able to beat all his opponents because instead of working on his weakness, he just focused on his strength and was able to produce a forehand that no one could beat. He didn't bother with his backhand since he would have wasted a lot of time and effort making his backhand 'average' instead of making his forehand unbeatable.


Just one man's opinion though. I would still say stick with the martial art you enjoy the most and are the strongest with.


(On a biased note, I hope you choose Shotokan) ;)



"Fighting fighting. Same Same"

"But you know karate!"

"Someone always know more..."

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Im biased towards Wado Ryu. But choose the best one which suites your needs. If your looking for Health. Do the most intense one. Or if your bothered about fighting do the one with the most realistic sparring. Also if you have a higher grade in one of them you may want to carry on with it. Personally I see Wado Ryu as an improved version of shotokan. But that is my biased opinion and I respect Shotakan karate practitioners. Hell my favourite fighting character is Ryu.

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I don't think it's the style you have to worry about too much.


More important is the club and its members. Do you like the members and the way you train with each other? Do you like the way that is being teached? Those things are more important than the style you choose.


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Oh heck guys...look at what we have here. The decision should be obvious!


You have a school aged young man here in conflict between two different dojo's, and says that he likes them equally. So..what's the problem? Go with the one that has the best looking GIRLS in it! :D


OK OK...seriously now. One of them has to feel better to you...even just a little bit. One of the instructors perhaps, is better, or that you like better. Or the other students? It really shouldn't be that tough to decide.

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I would have to say go with the system that allows you to use your strength but improves your weaknesses. I say this because most situations will not shape themselves to your strengths. but when your need is there so will your strengths. so by picking the style which still allows you to improve your strengths and at the same time work on making your weaknesses part of your strengths you will be better prepaired for more situations.

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the choice is all yours, if you really enjoy them equally then its an even harder choice. Think about what you have enjoyed the most with your training and what your future goals are then pick the school that you think meets the answers to those questions. LOOK HARD

A True Martial Arts Instructor is more of a guide than anything, on your way to developing the warrior within yourself!!!!!

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