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kicks to the face now allowed in WTF

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Not really, TKD was designed for a national art. Not battlefield.


i thought TKD was original designed to fight someone who was on a horse and you are on the ground.


like on the battle field.


at least this is what i was told?

the funny thing is that i know im wrong and i know your right, yet you keep argueing like it will change my mind. you should really know, you dont have to be right to win:)

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I don't believe that is a fair description of TKD.


Yes, TKD came into being after WWII, but the techniques employed didn't just appear overnight. Practically all the principles of TKD existed for centuries before they were collected into the MA called TKD.


While it's debatable how much of TKD is Japanese and how much is indigenous Korean martial art, any cursory research into TKD will show that the techniques employed are as old as "martial arts".


While it is popular to disparage TKD as being "useless in a real fight" (which, IMO, is still an unproven opinion itself), the one thing that cannot be legitimately claimed about TKD is that it is some sort of new MA, invented just over 50 years ago, and that its use has no historical practical base.


Dahn Boh Nim - Black-Brown Belt

Kuk Sool Won

"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow." - James Dean

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i must do some research, i hate it when someone tells me lies about TKD.


my instructors are dumb

the funny thing is that i know im wrong and i know your right, yet you keep argueing like it will change my mind. you should really know, you dont have to be right to win:)

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please explain the whole shoalin and buda thing

the funny thing is that i know im wrong and i know your right, yet you keep argueing like it will change my mind. you should really know, you dont have to be right to win:)

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Back on the subject of kicks to the face.


WTF rules state that adults are allowed to kick to "Head and neck area at the front and sides but not at the back." Two points are awarded for a kick to the head. And you can kick to knock out your opponent. In fact, if you knock your opponent down and he gets a standing 8 count, you are awarded an additional point. Remember, to score a point you have to hit with "trembling shock" (even to the body), that is, you have to make his body tremble or move.


The USTU has a set of Junior Safety rules that fliped-floped a few times over the past few years. This is probably what is causing confusion. There was a time where, under junior safety rules, you could kick to the face, then it was taken away, then reinstated, etc. These are the offical rules as posted on the USTU website:


Ages 6 - 11 year olds, all belts: any attack to the head that does not cause injury will result in a warning. An injury will result in a 1 point deduction. If the injured competitor can not continue due to the injury, the attacker is disqualified.


For 12 - 13 year old black belts and 12 - 17 year old color belts: kick to face is allowed, but must be light and controlled. If the kick causes a minor injury the attacker will be isued a one point deduction. If the injured competitor can not continue due to the injury, the attacker is disqualified.


For 14 - 17 year old black belts: two points are awarded for a kick to the head if it is light contact. No bonus points for a knock down with a count. Excessive contact will be receive the appropriate penalty.


Hope this helps,



Edited by Kicks

when you create the world's largest trailer park, you're going to have tornadoes

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y'all can't kick to the back of the head? :-? i thought you could...


ach, i suppose you'd know better than i would. :karate:

"I hear you can kill 200 men and play a mean six string at the same time..."-Six String Samurai

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