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Kicks above the waist in a real fight?

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Why do people take things so personally? The things I type are based on what you type. It isn't about you or me. I read something that I don't agree with and I made my point. You made yours too and it is a very valid point too but it was in my view, a rather biased and simplistic view based on very loose assumptions regarding high kicking people, tkd people and the effectiveness of both. I saw it as being too contrived, as it were, to be a truely objective point of view.


In an earier post, I gave the round type head kick to be the one that most people imagine in their head and equated it to be the useless high kick people talk about. However, this is also the most common head kick used by thai boxers. The mechanics of them are almost exactly the same so even then:. not all head height round kicks are useless.


I Believe it is a generalisation to say that head or high kicks are useless as things are never that general. For me, head kicks are useless and high kicks are useless because I am hopeless at them. The safest and most useful height for me is to not kick beyond my own chest height. Where this equates to you or any other person is almost secondary because if I were to kick you, the height would depend on the targets avaialable in relation to my safe kicking height. For some people this relationship might well be a head kick. For some it might only be a kick to the hip.


I should also add that I'm also not a big fan of the talk of techniques as being singular things that exist in a vacuum. You don't just do a high/head kick just like you don't just do a armbar or hook. Everything happens when it is appropriate to do so. You jab to probe then close up to hook. Without that jab, the hook is almost useless. Does that mean that hook punches are useless? In order to apply a throw or lock you sometimes need to probe and engage. Without this, the lock or throw might not work. Does this make the lock or throw useless? Same with the head or high kicks. Same with every other technique you might have. Rely on it by itself and you're in trouble.

ohayo gozaimasu, o genki desu ka.

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I am all about staying low with my kicks. I hardly through anything above the waist although I can if I needed to. I happened to witness a street fight about 5 years ago where one of the guys started off with a kick to the head. The recipent of the kick bulled right through the kicker taking him straight to the ground and began smashing his head in until witnesses were able to pull him off. It was vicious...

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id kick to the head; sequence as follows (hopefully!!!!!!)


do-all to land a bonecrunching kick to the knee/thigh area,


this brings opponents head to thigh-waist level,


execute second thigh kick (need not be nearly as powerfull, unless there like miketyson or something,) to connect with head.


successful head kick

"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."

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Siuf, ok I will take your point of veiw as just that, your point of veiw. Not knowing the training you have been exposed to and you not knowing mine it is difficult to really compare and understand what we think in our minds will and will not work or what is safe to attempt. I do agree that there are people out there who certainly have the ability to cleave my head clean off my shoulders but, they are few and far between and for those few yes it is a good kick but, here is my point for the 99 out of 100 who cannot execute the kick effectivly in the street it is very dangerous. If it is so that my numbers are even close then why do you think some schools continue to teach their students to do this type of kick for defense or just as bad do not inform them of its inherit dangers. I know this is back to my bais against high kicks in the street but as we all do I pull from my experiances and have found that most kickers, and I have trained with some good ones can work wonders in point sparring sessions but when the heat is turned up and the threat of being takendown or facing full contact leg kicks they have their timing thrown off and the effectivness of the kick becomes less than effective, couple this with the additional adrinaline involved with most street situations and most, not all, are back to being as effective as their white belt brothers and sisters. I do understand the difference in Tai and TKD and the training differences aswell, but when you face an unknown opponent with unknown skills you must be prepared in my opinion to exercise controlled chaous not recklous abondon with your attack and defense. Please forgive my spelling and this is my opinion.


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as others on this forum have put head kicks are risky, but that does not mean they are complety useless. i personally would never kick high in a real fight but thats just me, if you can make high kicks work then by all means use them! if not stay low i cant see want all the arguing is about.

Fist visible Strike invisible

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I personaly would never kick above the waist, but that's because my high kicks suck (it's sad, i'm a the least flexible black belt in all of NYS). The answer to this question is different for different people. If you have great high kicks and you have confidence in them, use them! If you don't, don't try 'em!

"To win a fight without fighting, that is the true goal of a martial artist."

-Grandmaster Nick Cerio

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camon i shure there is some old lady in a mcdojo that your more flexible than.


Thanks for my daily dose of self-esteem :D


I'll remember that next time I feel like I'm the only one in the room that can't touch their toes in a sit&reach...I need to stretch more instead of posting on this stinkin forum... :P

"To win a fight without fighting, that is the true goal of a martial artist."

-Grandmaster Nick Cerio

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Have any of you watched European Kickboxing matches? Those guys have no trouble throwing super quick and accurate kicks above the waist. Also remember that this is in a match when both fighters are expecting these but they still get through. You have to remember that the usual kick people imagine when talking about high kicks are the roundhouse type. How-ever, a lot of people train to chamber their kick as high as they can and shoot straight out. It is very quick and give you very little to block as it shoots straight towards you very much like how a punch does.


If you train to kick high and you're comfortable with how you kick and are confident in your, hopefullly tested, abilities then why not? Use what you know to be your best and most trusted techniques. Don't not use them just because someone who can't tells you to.


The more harder the kick or faster. The better for one to absorb it. not block it, absorb it and use it against him. to umblance him or create an easy opening.

Even the most powerful human being has a limited sphere of strength. Draw him outside of that sphere and into your own, and his strength will dissipate.

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