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My first Muay Thai session...

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I went for my first training session at a local Muay Thai Gym/dojo (what is the correct term here?). I've been thinking about taking it up as a second martial art for a couple of months now - and since my main dojo is on break for the school holidays I thought I might as well get some training in.


There's just a few things that concern me at the moment. One is the differences between my Kumiai Ryu system (mixed system), and the Muay Thai techniques. Some things didn't work for me in the Muay Thai session, such as the way we're meant to step into some of the kicks, sometimes switching stances while lunging forward (almost like a kick-off if you know what I mean), the guard - keeping the lead hand out and the other hand on the cheek which we're told NOT to do in kumiai ryu.


Now, the main reason I thought i'd give muay thai a go is because I knew for sure that it would be a great workout, which it was, and i'm trying to get myself as fit as possible for a possible Naval career coming up soon; and I wanted to do more sparring, which there will be, although maybe not at the same contact level as at kumiai ryu (which is fairly high). But I don't want my technique in Kumiai Ryu to suffer because of the differences in Muay Thai. In Kumiai Ryu, we're told that we practise the basics over and over for muscle memory - it seems to me that if i'm training two different techniques for the same kick, i'm going to "confuse my muscles".


Secondary reason for giving Muay Thai a go is because sometimes because of work commitments I have to miss kumiai ryu, so I thought Muay Thai would be a good backup.


So the best things the Muay Thai has is 1. Good workout and 2. More training times


Worst things are 1. Only one hour sessions, 2. More cost, and 3. Possibility of making my Kumiai Ryu techniques sloppy.


I've got two weeks of free training at the Muay Thai gym, so that should give me more time to make a decision. But i'm either going to try to do both (and make time for jogging and swimming too), or make myself unavailable for work so that I can make it to both Kumiai Ryu training sessions every week and probably have more time to spare for jogging, swimming, weight training, martial arts training at home, etc...


So there's my "report" :D Just thought i'd post something about it, if only to help me make my own decision about it. Feel free to give me your opinions everybody.

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Find one school and stick with that one. Take things one at a time especially for the first few years of training and once your sure you have it then its great to expand your knowledge.

A True Martial Arts Instructor is more of a guide than anything, on your way to developing the warrior within yourself!!!!!

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" Some things didn't work for me in the Muay Thai session, such as the way we're meant to step into some of the kicks, sometimes switching stances while lunging forward (almost like a kick-off if you know what I mean), the guard - keeping the lead hand out and the other hand on the cheek which we're told NOT to do in kumiai ryu. "


To really confuse you, I'll tell you that there are several systems of Muay Thai. What you are learning seems to be much different than anything I would do. Then again, I guess it's very hard to show someone what you're doing with text.


I've crosstrained through all of my martial arts training and it seems to me that my understanding and abilities in each of the arts have benefitted from it.


If you don't like the Muay Thai, at least try to take something away from your trial........ like how to throw are very hard round kick.

Just kick 'em, they'll understand.- Me

Apprentice Instructor under Guro Inosanto in Jun Fan Gung Fu and Filipinno Martial arts.

Certified Instructor of Frank Cucci's Linxx system of martial arts.

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:kaioken: kumiai ryu is your main any other is just to help you


some things you might not like in kumiai ryu but like in Muay Thai


and vice versa


As everyone knows cross training is the best technique


knowing is good but know ing then one benefits more

"A true warriors enter the arena with all his powers at the ready'

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Guys on this form you are all cool i just want to say get ready cause i will try my best to be amazing a new level for a human being so get ready cause i am coming :kaioken: Lets Rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"A true warriors enter the arena with all his powers at the ready'

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  • 2 weeks later...

Guys on this form you are all cool i just want to say get ready cause i will try my best to be amazing a new level for a human being so get ready cause i am coming Lets Rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Good for you. :-?

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