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My friend was killed by a thug...he was a good man.


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Well Sami is doing well,they removed the bullet from his shoulder and put what he calls a "butter knife" in his arm.The bullet shattered his humerus bone,it originally went in his arm.They were shot with a 22 cal. and those bullets tend to bounce around.The bullet that hit him in the back went in on the left side of his spine then did a u turn and got lodged on the right side of his spine,it's there for good.The other bullet didn't hit bone and made a clean exit through his right forearm,and he got 37 staples in his head from the downward strikes of the butt of the pistol grip.He seems to be handling it well so far.We haven't had a chance to talk with him about Derek due to the fact that he's been heavily drugged up,but they were VERY close and he watched the whole thing go down.The doctors have told us not to bring it up yet,and if he does to not go into much detail.Redirecting the topic to an "atleast your okay"type of thing.


The guy who did this had only been outta prison for 7 monthes.He had just served a ten year sentence for a previous murder.He's only 5'3 and weighs a 130lbs.You'd think that at that size his previous stay in prison would've been horrible and that he would NEVER want to go back.The guy wasn't even close to getting off parole.He was 15 when he commited the first murder and 27 when he did this.I don't get it!!!!Why would you not want to change your life when a second chance was givin'?I just don't get it.They had his(the killers)mom on the news today.She was crying and plending with the camera to not hurt her baby.She said it couldn't possibly have been her son who did this?????Maybe if this worthless trash mom would have raised her son better my friend would still be alive,and Sami wouldn't be in hospital.

Edited by cvkid

Demons live in the shadows of this world where the uncritical mind fails to shine the light of reason.

Be nice to animals.

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Sorry to read about your loss.


It makes me very angry to read about something like this, and the circumstances surrounding the perp.


I can't help but wonder how all the "bleeding hearts" that think violent criminals can be re-habilitated and given chance after chance, can sleep at night after seeing example after example of how flawed that thinking process is. Here is just one more example.


According to them, the criminal is the real victim here, not the murdered ones.


I better stop now before I type something really offensive. :x


Dahn Boh Nim - Black-Brown Belt

Kuk Sool Won

"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow." - James Dean

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You have my condolences on your loss


It is a shame things like that have to happen. Keep your calm, as I know personally that the hate will change you as a person.


Let the courts eat him (the murderer) up and spit him out. I know that they never go soft on a second strike. He will be lucky to ever get out of jail.



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I really feel for you, I couldn't imagine having something so awful happen to somebody I care about.


There's nothing really I can say without sounding repeditive or hypocritical, but I hope Sami recovers well and you too.

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I have to say sorry man, it's so horrible that there are bad people who kill for such dumb things that any fool can do in a better way. I also do hope Sami recovers okay.


My best hopes and wishes goes to Cvkid and those affected by this tragic incident.

If you take a crooked path and have to go through a cliff. Either hope there is a bridge, or learn to fly.

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which state do you live in, does it have the death penalty


Kentucky,yes they'll most likely go for the death penalty and get it.It was sad to see his mom on tv,she is a fat ghetto mom.The whole vicious cycle thing is so sad.This guy has lived a messed up life,and now he must die.He made his bed,now it's time to sleep.The thing that bothers me so much is that people like him are just victims themselves.Kinda like pitbulls that are raised to fight.I feel sorry for them as a whole,but when they bite you,you lose all of your cares for their well being.I know I'll be happy to hear about his demise.

Demons live in the shadows of this world where the uncritical mind fails to shine the light of reason.

Be nice to animals.

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