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Ever been attacked? Delt with with a real world "situat

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fine, how about this one.




i once got chased by 5 guys becuase i wouldnt buy pot.


i ran and got away.


for the record though he only reason they chased me is becuase i challenged the one who spoke to me to a fight. didnt expect the others to join.

the funny thing is that i know im wrong and i know your right, yet you keep argueing like it will change my mind. you should really know, you dont have to be right to win:)

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Ohhhhhh !!!!......MM......thats terrible !!! lol

~Master Jules......aka "The Sandman"

"I may be a trained killer......but Im really a nice guy"

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Once when iam returning from dojo late night i was been surrounded by some roge peoples of 8 in no. 4 of them were drunken


My MA(Karate) saved me i knocked down 5 of them and others run off from there and morning i read this in newspaper that i have knocked out most wanted criminals but the man who knocked them was a anonymous (Iam)


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I never need to use my Martial Arts. I just fix them with an icy blue stare and they tremble and weep with fear. If they are REALLY mean sometimes I might even cut the to pieces with a sharp, witty, observational comment.


The only time I've ever had to use my MA was quite boring really. I was coming out of the dojo one night and these 8 guys approached me. They were all armed, one had a knife, one a baseball bat, another a pistol, and the rest with various weapons -such as tomahawk missiles, apache helicopters, small nuclear devices etc... usual fair on a Friday night in Devon. Anyway, they walked up to me and asked for my money - ironically I had just drawn my spending money for the weekend out of the bank earlier that day, it was only £1,000,000 so I wasn't overly concerned - what's a little cash compared to one's life?


Anyway...I could tell that 4 were drunk, the other 4 were pub landlords. One points his cruise missile to me and I hand over my money, my keys to my lotus esprit, the front door key to my small summer home in the bahamas and the keys to the small space station I own, that is currently orbiting the earth. Apparently this wasn't good enough for them, and one of them starts getting really agitated. I'm trying to get them to calm down by telling small amusing jokes and anecdotes but they are having none of it... One of them starts keying in the codes for his nuclear missile - What's a girl to do??? Well, the thing I've trained for every day in the dojo. I quickly whipped out my mobile phone and dialled one 9 in... they paused as they realised what I was doing... then another 9... they start backing off - just then they wimped out and started to run. Luckily for me they ran straight across the small minefield I had strategically placed out only 4 hours previously!! It took 4 of them out and I took another one out by throwing my mobile phone at his retreating head.


Anyway - I decided to just go home and have a nice cup of tea. The next morning the paper came though and apparently the guys I took out were some very wanted people. The names don't mean much to me though Mr. O.B Laden, Mr. S. Hussein, Mr. A. Capone, Mr. N. Bates and Mr. M. Myers. Anyway I kept quiet about it, after all I was only doing my duty as a good minded citizen. ;)


Angela (Tongue very firmly in cheek)

Tokonkai Karate-do Instructor


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I'm 5 foot 8 148 pounds. I'm in 11th.


I'm in 11th grade, too. But, as I said, I finally hit puberty.


6 foot 5 and 180 pounds. Still skinny, but it's all muscle.

Glow worm...need I say more?


What the ****?


you are 6 foot 5 wow, and the guy you fought with was foot longer then you, you must beaten a GIANT ! :lol:

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Yes. I have been attacked. Let me tell you the story. It was 2001, I had just left my friends house from watching some movies with him. It was not quiet dark yet, but kind of gloomy I guess. Anyways, on my way home I stopped by a store to get a pack of chewing gum. After I walked out, there was a man standing there with one other guy. To my surprise I knew these people. (That story is not important though). Anyways, we exchanged some words, and I started to walk off. He grabbed my shoulder and I did a quick hard jab to this stomach and he let go and kinda flinched. I started to RUn this time. His friend grabbed me. Well I gave him a quick smack to the side of the head and he kinda kneeled down and held his head for a sec. I backed up a litle bit and waited for him to recover. He got up, advanced to me and *POW* ... a quick jab to his head again... AGAIN he knelt down somewhat. I again moved back a good distance from him and he got up again. He came for me again, and *POP , SMACK* A straight lead to the head AGAIN, and a quick cross punch to the chin. He fell down. I then looked at his friend and he came back at me. He started moving around saying "Cmon ninja boy muthafucker" So I waited for him to move in my striking distance and *WHAP*, a quick lead to the forehead. He backed off a little. I kept my distance. He came in again with a sloppy hook. I slipped under and did a straight, fast kick to his stomcah, then one to his shin, then *POP POP*, straight lead to the head, and a right cross to the jaw. He backed off and started yelling out foul language. He acted like he was gonna walk off. He then quickly turned around and tried to kick me in the mid section. I parried behind him, and kicked the crease in the back of his legs and he fell once more. Well.... then... with my luck... THE COPS CAME. Anyways, we all went to jail for Disorderly Conduct. In this situation I was very calm and tried not to get over excited. And by doing that, I was better able to perform. Oh if you are wandering this is a TRUE story.. I tried to tell the cops I couldnt run, but they insisted on taking me in. So I took the charges ... and faced what I deserved I guess. Advice, DONT FIGHT IN PUBLIC EVER.

~ Practicing Jeet Kune Do for 11 years now.

~ Train every day....

- Be formless, like water my friend.

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