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fights and experiences..(streetfights etc...)whats yours?

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I didn't participate in this fight I'm about to tell you about but witnessed my older brother fighting. He was 10 at the time, and had been training in Brazillian Jujitsu for about two years. I myself had just begun, and was just beat up by a bully. I was 8, and the bully was 14, and in grade 6 (he'd failed a few years) and was six feet tall. Some growth spurts I guess.


Anyway my brother had noticed me get beat up and was out for revenge. It was a very short fight, he got away from a grab, and kicked out this bully's knee. The bully fell to the ground, and onto his knees. My brother then punched the bully in the neck, and that was it. I'm not sure if the larynx was damaged, or whatever, but the bully left us alone. I was mostly surprised not what happened in the fight but how fast it was.


The best victory is when the opponent surrenders

of its own accord before there are any actual

hostilities...It is best to win without fighting.

- Sun-tzu

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UMMM. I never had a good experience in a street fight.i have the worst luck! A fight in highschool with another girl.I was doing pretty good until I was droped with a kick below the belt! :o And I was unable to fight no more. :bawling: That's just my luck. :cry:

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hey....nobody is perfect. we've all been there. we've all recieved hits. if its not in sparring it is in a street fight. if in neither, the heart also recieves

hits. wounding the person's heart may be even worse than being physically hit.

Even the most powerful human being has a limited sphere of strength. Draw him outside of that sphere and into your own, and his strength will dissipate.

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  • 2 months later...

best fight? dont think there is such a thing. most exhilarating fight, now thts a different matter.

in my 3rd year @ high school, against 3 other 3rd years. i had never liked them and they had never like me, and as it was 3 on one i was the one that always got the verbal and physical abuse. that was fine, i just ignored it.

by third year, thins were at a serious pressure level between the four of us. then my girlfriend got into an argument with one of them (they were all guys) and he slapped her.

I was about 6 feet away when it happened, up about 5 steps.

completly contrary to my usual style, i launched down the remaining stairs and kicked him in the back of the head. he was facing the stairs, so i did a sort of 180 degree spin to kick him. he decked it immediately.

his pals ran over. the fastest one obviously arrived first and he tried to punch me with his right. i grabbed his fist with my right, spun along the inside of his arm, elbowed him the face and let him fall. i just kicked the third full force in the chest. he flew about 6feet because his speed was reversed when i hit him, right into a wall.

deffinatly my favourite fight, but not something im particularly proud of.

"We follow the World,

The World follows Heaven,

Heaven follows Tao,

Tao follows the way things are."

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I have been in more than a few in my life. Fortunately, I havent been in a streetfight in quite awhile, one of the reasons for that is having learned more how to control my temper and also to use my head a little more than my fists.

There are some things looking back that I have obsereved:

1: there are definately times when if you are ion a fight with one guy, one of his friends may just show up.

2: when people are in danger of losing a fight they tend to resort to some kind of makeshift weapon.

3.Kicks when properly used are great because many average streetfighters dont use them and therefore have not much familiarity with them or ability to defend much against them and they tend to surprise a fighter who is mostly just a puncher. ( I am not talking about high, looping kicks, I am talking about lower sidkicks and front kicks or roundkicks to the leg.)

4. In my personal experience, most of my fights didn't "go to the ground" and therefore going against the so called statistics.

5: if a badguy had a weapon, chances are it is the very first thing he will try to utilize, not the last.

6: I have found alot (notice I said alot, not all) of TMA instructors and students seem to be out of touch with the dynamic of a real street encounter especially when talking about multiple attackers, weapons, etc. In fact many have never been in a real streetfight, yet seem to always be ranting and raving about what "works" In the case of younger people, they tend to draw their conclusions from UFC, etc.

7: Expect the unexpected.

8: There is definately some truth to the saying "a good defense is areally good offence."

9 One of the biggest lessons I have learned is. BE VERY CAREFUL ABOUT WHO YOU ASSOCIATE WITH! Avoid beign around people who drink too much, talk too much, or just like drawing too much attention to themselves and stay out of biker bars, or bad areas of town regardless of how tough you think you may be. Some of my biggest fights have been with people I knew, in fact not many were with total strangers. In my adult life, often those I would end up fighting were underthe infulence of alcahol or other chemicals. So again be careful with you are associating. I also found walkign away can be good but there are definately times not to.

"You know the best thing about pain? It let's you know you're not dead yet!"


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  • 2 months later...

i have been in alot of street fights, which has helped mould my style. the best thing i find is to be deceptive, when you decide its time to fight sometimes you can do that because they give alot of mouth and you have thinking time, stand still and do not be scared at all, give him 1 line back

and as he goes to say whatever he is about to say after that strike hard and fast to a very sencetive area, wherever that may be, remember training is never the same. you know when your teacher is going to pull a knife, you dont know what this guy has in his pocket! dont take a risk, finish it quick and run. remember submissions in the street dont finish with a tap they finish with a crack! remember this. and DONT hold back what so ever, fire in asif its the last time you will ever fight.

"keep death in mind"

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