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Old school traditional fighters vs today's MMA top guns

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I am not based anything on word of mouth




I assume you taking muay thai, since you are taking muaythai, you should know that in the past Muaythai match has no rules, and there are no weight class, so you have to fight anyone and everyone. And those were fact, and was clearely indicated in thai history. So do you think an controllable match like today is harder or an less controllable match in past is harder???




In the old day, when there were no guns, cannon, tank, and jet. The war were fought by close combat, so do you think those people who put their life in the front line will be lesser than MMA who probably only encounter life and death situation few times in his life, or never. Even our soliders today, they usually fight with guns and long range weapon, instead of close combat. And yes, all thai soldier, chinese soldier, or Japanese soilder and samurai were trained in MA pre 18 century, and they fight close combate with exception of Archer.


Less condition cuz lack of venue??? not every martial artist in the past live in the mountain and be farmer.




yes modern(post 20 century) MMA do make some improvement, but how much of imrovement?? I will say alot of the improvements are like Judo, which is to make the art less dangerous to practitice. and Some of the improvement actually is to simplifed or take out some of the moves, cuz it might do too much damage or chances to use is less. however, in other words, that mean MMA probably know less.

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yes i did know muay thai was formerly fought with very few rules. todays muay boran is very mush like old muay thai. as for your question i believe that the old school thai matchs where more difficult but i also believe that if you where to put todays fighters in that same ring as the old school guys the new guys would win. todays fighters are slightly stronger (weight training) and in better average shape than the guys of the past. yes in terms of toughness and brutality the old school guys usually win out but i believe that todays modern mma fighters could take the old school guys.

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yes modern(post 20 century) MMA do make some improvement, but how much of imrovement?? I will say alot of the improvements are like Judo, which is to make the art less dangerous to practitice. and Some of the improvement actually is to simplifed or take out some of the moves, cuz it might do too much damage or chances to use is less. however, in other words, that mean MMA probably know less.


I would say the improvement made by MMA events would be to fighting what computers and the internet were to communication- in other words- the improvement was drastic.


As far as MMA "knowing less" I wouldnt say that- martial arts skills are like any other physical skill, and therefore require time and practice to become efficient at them.


For example, this was a similar argument proposed by the Ju Jitsu schools in Japan when Kano came about with Judo- they said that he "knew less" and trained fewer techniques. This was true as far as techniques, but who "knew more" than he did? Certainly not the Ju Jitsu fighters who claimed to know those techniques- in reality, they knew nothing at all. Because they never sparred heavily with their techniques, their physical skills never improved and in the end all they knew was theory.

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"In the old day, when there were no guns, cannon, tank, and jet. The war were fought by close combat, so do you think those people who put their life in the front line will be lesser than MMA who probably only encounter life and death situation few times in his life, or never"


in the past, the 'martial arts' taught to soldiers were vastly different to what we learn as martial arts today for the simple fact that the skills involved are very different.


old close combat warfare worked on fighting as a unit and not as an individual, which todays arts emphasise.


what they trained was not exactly sophisticated and not anywhere as technical as the modern MMA fighter does.


in most cases, soldiers were trained in basic techniques with basic weapons.


the pure and simple need for quick and effective training, not to mention the fact that more people die than come back from a battlefield meant that it made no sense to train them in anything with much 'depth'.


(certain samurai families are possibly the only exception but that's more of a class/social thing rather than a war thing)


stick one of these soldiers in a no rules match up with a modern fighter and the soldier will get pummelled.

earth is the asylum of the universe where the inmates have taken over.

don't ask stupid questions and you won't get stupid answers.

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  • 2 weeks later...
i would disagree with the brutality aspect i think that anchient times where huch more brutal.


In terms of fighting, this would most likely be due to the lack of knowledge of well roundedness for a fight. A good analogy would be comparing the early UFC and Pride competitions to the more modern ones.


The fights are definately much more brutal, not because the fighters are, but because so many fighters didnt know what to do when thrown to the ground (as a result, got their head stomped repeatedly, caught kicks the face, or took repeated elbows to the face).


Nowadays may not seem as brutal, but only because fighters are well prepared for whatever comes their way in any phase of combat. That and the referee stops the fight when one fighter is judged unable to defend himself (TKO) as opposed to waiting until hes completely unconcious under old rules.

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