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Friday night after class, Shihan asked me to stay for graduation and do a board-breaking demonstration. I could break 5 boards anyway I choose. What I didn't do was inspect the boards prior to the breaking, or I would have seen that one of the boards was Grrrrrrreen!


The sequence on the 5 boards went like this: Lunge punch, reverse elbow strike, over-the-top lunge hammer fist, reverse palm-heel strike, head-butt. OOPS! Guess which one I hit the green board on?




That's the only sound I could hear, save the ---gasps--- from the audience. But I did what any good warrior would do, I re-grabbed the board and smacked it on my forehead again, to resounding applause from the crowd as the board shattered.


The rest...you don't want to know...

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good save..i guess you learned from this experience. lol

pain is weakness leaving the body.

fear is the mind killer, i will face my fear and let it pass threw me. from the movie "dune"

i know kung fu...show me. from the movie "the matrix"

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Well done.


I bet you needed a litre of Dit Dai Jow after that demonstration.....lol



Only time and commitment will make your Traditional "style" good and give you real knowledge.

"Marry" your chosen system as opposed to just flirting with it.

Make it your partner for life and you will see how well and how complete it really is.

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Ok this is the second time ive heard of this dit dai jow lotion - what does it actually do, what is it made of and where to get it? Thanks! :karate:

The sand bringeth and the sand taketh away...

Disciple of Master Jules' Temple of Sand Dojo

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Its "Dit Da Jow". I got mine in Chinatown, NYC, from the Tak Wah Kung Fu club......and lemme tell ya......GREAT STUFF !!!!!

~Master Jules......aka "The Sandman"

"I may be a trained killer......but Im really a nice guy"

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there's a thread somewhere or other debating what it can and can't actually do, i forget what it's called. evidently it helps bruises heal faster. you can make it yourself, as i think someone mentioned they did, or usually an instructor will make it, or find it in china town. or just ditch it all together. it's just a bruise, y'know? though, i gotta' say, i really wish this massive bruise on my shin would go away a bit faster... :o i'm kind of wishing i had some now :P

"I hear you can kill 200 men and play a mean six string at the same time..."-Six String Samurai

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OUCH!!!! :o


That is one of the reasons why I will NEVER do a break with my head. :roll:




I have too little brains left as it is. :D

Pain is only temporary, the memory of that pain lasts a lifetime.

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Well, good job recovering your dignity. Ouch though. Seriously. Ouch. :o


9th Kyu

"Don't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft."

~ Theodore Roosevelt

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