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psychological effects of fighting

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we all know that physically we are ready for a scrap on the streets through the things we know


but do you think you are psychologically ready? because a real street fight is a very stressful situation that can cause many to choke!

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::edit:: Edited by Bon

It takes sacrifice to be the best.

There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.

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Psychological Effect of fighting is one of confidence. After you win, you know you have a good chance of winning again. Then there is also the fear of losing, which increases as you start to think, "I have to screw up some time!"



"Never hit a man while he's down; kick him, its easier"

Sensei Ron Bagley (My Sensei)

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Well but then you can always say, if you dont forsee yourself winning then dont fight.... You shouldnt be in fights you cant win, and unless something really stupid happens you shouldnt lose.


I mean, I say I believe that I am mentaly prepared, and If Frank Shamrock, Bruce Lee and Jet Li want to get into a fight with me on the streets, Im ready. Yep - Im ready to run like hell.


[ This Message was edited by: Jiggy9 on 2001-12-25 13:43 ]

Shotokan Karate Black Belt

==Defend the path of Truth==

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well I might sometimes not be reasy sometimes I might say when I want to kick someones a§§ badly then I would be ready but If I don't it would depend how it ends up after :nod:



when you do your best it`s going to show.

"If you watch the pros, You will learn something new"

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I think learning martial arts has put a bigger sense of paranoia in me. Because I had my eyes opened to a world where muscles don't mean half as much as one would think. It's kinda wierd, but I sorta 'size up' everyone I see. I look at how they carry themselves, and wether or not they seem to have a weapon on them.


But heck, who am I kidding. Even though I don't like it, I have to admit, that...well... I sorta like getting into fights. (If you read my post about meaningless bravado then know this: I dont believe in it, but I often get tempted into it...sigh lol).


Fighting is like a big conductor, if your upset, you can conduct your misery into your opponent as you send him a good one.



I don't try to understand, it would be a waste of time. Instead I only try to understand.

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Fighting has a funny effect on me, hehehe. Lemme tell yoos peepulz a storee.


Once upon a time..there was this gas station worker guy who whent onto internet forums with the name of Zaknafein. He was going on with his regular work of pumping gas when this lady (purty lady, btw :brow: ) drove in with a dire need of getting some gas. So this worker starts pumping her gas and stuff. Then this other guy (we'll just call him 'Dumbass' in the story) drives in, also wanting gas. Well, he drives in onto the platform and chucks his live cigarette out. Zak didnt notice, but the lady did, so she said to Dumbass "excuse me, sir, but I dont exactly feel like getting blown up today, so could you snuff that out?". Then this guy starts yelling at her saying "hey, why dont you suck my [insert nasy name for 'thingy' here], you [insert name for female dog here]." Then Zak said to Dumbass "hey, moron, dont talk to her like that!!" What this person does next was kinda weird. He started walking towards Zak (like, right towards him), then switches his course right when he almost reaches him.


Well, I think that you guys should be able figure out that that person in the story is me (ahem. anyone who cant is either reading this from an institution or is a 5 year old at home reading it from his dads comp - and without permision, you bad kid!!). I think he was trying to intimidate me and then saw that I was not backing down. It was weird, lemme tell you. That would have been my first time in a real fight, hehhehe. When that guy was walking towards me, I kinda felt a bit of doubt. I mean, I knew I woulda kicked his ass, but still. Also, i have alot of trouble hurting other people. Even when sparring. So I woulda beaten him up, its just that I would have felt really bad about it later, ehehhehe.


Oh yeah, after Dumbass stormed off, that chick was like "hey, thanks for sticking up for me." ohhhhhhh, she had that look in her eye!! i was like "damn, I AM the Mac Daddy" after i did a little bit of this ----> :blush:


And thus ends my mostly pointless post.


-Zak, who gets miraculous powers around pretty women



Feel the 'Putt Jattan De' power!!

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